How to salt lard using the dry method

Modern nutritionists have long recognized lard as a healthy product. Well, at least salted lard contains nothing but lard. But the composition of sausages from the store can cause not only questions, but also digestive upset. Therefore, it is better to buy a good piece of lard from a pig that has been fattened at home. After this, salt the lard yourself. Pork lard can be salted at home in several ways. The simplest of them is dry salting of lard. This lard is not only tasty, but also healthy. Dry-prepared lard is stored well and for a long time without loss of taste.

Needed for cooking

To prepare lard using the dry method you need:
  • good fresh lard 2 kg;
  • garlic 10 - 15 cloves;
  • salt, coarse, as much as it takes.

Salt lard according to recipe

1. The selected lard should not be washed if there are no blood stains or other contaminants on it. If there are any, then the contaminated areas can be cleaned with a knife; if it is an edge, then it is better to cut it off and use it in other dishes.

2. The prepared piece of lard must be cut so that the pieces do not fall apart.

3.Rub the lard on all sides with salt, sparing it. It is impossible to over-salt good lard. You need to limit salt if the lard is very thin. You should not use fine salt either; the taste of the prepared salted lard will be worse.

4. Crush the garlic, chop it with a knife and distribute throughout the lard, not forgetting the cuts.

5. Wrap the lard in paper, put it in a suitable container and place it in the refrigerator on the lowest shelf.

6. After a week, dry-salted lard with garlic will be ready.

If you like lard with pepper or spices, then it is better to sprinkle the lard with them before serving. Otherwise, during long-term storage of salted lard, spices, including pepper, may change their taste.

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Comments (6)
  1. 23
    #1 23 Guests June 7, 2018 07:30
    a week??? Do you yourself read what you write?
    1. 111
      #2 111 Guests 2 October 2018 15:38
      How much do you need?
  2. Anatoly Pavlovich Motylkov A.P.
    #3 Anatoly Pavlovich Motylkov A.P. Guests 10 June 2018 20:20
    I chop the garlic and mix it with salt. It turns out better because salt is a conductor for the garlic and it penetrates better into the layers, and after three days I eat it and it is salted well.
    1. Toch
      #4 Toch Guests December 14, 2018 20:43
      In the same way, I mix crushed garlic and lard, grate it and put it in a bag for the day, then put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours - and voila, it’s ready to eat.
  3. gvsp
    #5 gvsp Guests 18 June 2018 15:13
    Ambassador, like an ambassador. Only usually garlic is inserted in small pieces into punctures made with the tip of a knife. Well, traditionally in a rag, not in paper.
  4. PAN22
    #6 PAN22 Guests 15 February 2019 20:29
    I crush the garlic, mix it with salt (coarse) and rub it between the cuts and outside and into the plastic bag.
    I leave it for a day or two. Ha, I can’t stand it, I try it periodically.
    Arranges ? We put it in the refrigerator.
    Before serving, scrape off the mixture if you don’t like it.
    But for me it’s Good even without it.