Baked lard

It cannot be that there is a person who does not like lard. Most likely, he has not yet been able to taste the delicious baked lard prepared according to the old Slavic recipe. This dish is enjoyed as a snack at the festive table, and is sure to be taken with you on a picnic to have a snack with a fragrant crust of bread in the lap of nature.
Baked lard

Baked lard cooks quickly. These tips will help everyone who decides to treat their guests to this appetizer. Knowing the recipe, even a novice cook can prepare an excellent treat on the first try.
Marinating time – 90 minutes, baking – 40 minutes.
Required Products:
  • lard – 800 g;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • mayonnaise – 100 ml;
  • spicy mustard – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, ground pepper, aromatic spicy mixture for Georgian cuisine - to taste.

Baked lard

Cooking lard

1. Place a piece of lard on a board. Using a knife, we will make oblique cuts towards the depth of the piece. It is important to prevent the skin from being punctured. Cut the garlic into wide strips. Place a garlic straw into each cut.
Baked lard

2. Rub with salt, aromatic mixture for Georgian cuisine, and pepper.Transfer the lard to a food box for marinating and, closing it, leave it to soak in the aromas of herbs and spices for an hour.
Baked lard

3. Combine mustard with mayonnaise and mix. This marinade will add piquancy to the appetizer and enhance the aftertaste.
Baked lard

4. Cover the lard with marinade and leave for another half hour.
Baked lard

5. After marinating, place the bar on a sheet of thick foil.
Baked lard

6. Once sealed, put it in the oven. Bake the lard for 40 minutes, setting the temperature scale to 170 degrees.
Baked lard

7. At the end of baking, open the foil. To brown the lard, turn on the convection. 10 minutes of baking with this mode turned on is enough.
Baked lard

8. Cut the lard into large portions and place it on a plate like a fan. The appetizer is ready to serve. We will definitely serve it with mustard and herbs.
Baked lard

Culinary tips for making baked lard

1. You need to add garlic to lard often. The more cuts are made and filled with garlic straws, the tastier the treat will be.
2. Do not brown the lard too much after turning on the convection. Otherwise, the treat will dry out and the skin will become rough. You definitely won't like this snack.
3. Baked lard can be served as a snack immediately after baking. It will not lose its piquancy after cooling and remaining in the refrigerator. There is no need to reheat the snack. Many gourmets like to try well-chilled baked lard, for example, with horseradish.
Baked lard

Baked lard

Baked lard
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Comments (2)
  1. Alexander Volk
    #1 Alexander Volk Guests April 27, 2018 00:47
    Have you tried making lard in chocolate? They say it's also very tasty
  2. Guest Victor
    #2 Guest Victor Guests 27 April 2018 22:20
    You're lucky, I'm the kind of person who doesn't like lard.