Making mayonnaise is very easy

Like any industrial product, a sauce called mayonnaise originated at home. Let it initially quickly separate into its constituent products, and therefore not be stored for long. Nowadays, if you have an immersion blender with a turbo mode and twenty minutes of free time, any housewife can prepare a gorgeous, smooth mayonnaise. Moreover, it will take about 5 minutes to work. The product will be obtained without artificial thickeners, preservatives and flavor enhancers.

Ingredients for mayonnaise

270-300 grams of finished sauce will be obtained if we take:
- 230-240 grams of vegetable (refined) oil;
- large raw egg (or 1 small whole + 1 yolk or 1 white);
- 1 tea. l. food vinegar;
- 0.3 tsp. l. granulated sugar, fine “Extra” salt and mustard powder (you can use ready-made mustard).

Preparing mayonnaise

All products must be at room temperature, and not just taken out of the refrigerator.
Making mayonnaise is very easy

Pour the oil into a clean, dry 0.5-liter jar and beat in the egg.
Making mayonnaise is very easy

Pour sugar and salt into a jar.
Making mayonnaise is very easy

Add mustard and vinegar there.
Making mayonnaise is very easy

Leave the products for 15 minutes to react on their own. After this period of time, they begin to form a whitish coating.
Making mayonnaise is very easy

Place an immersion blender at the bottom of the jar. Turning it on at maximum speed, we immediately observe the formation of mayonnaise.
Making mayonnaise is very easy

Holding the jar, lower and raise the included blender a couple of times. In less than a minute, the disparate ingredients will turn into a single sauce. Store it (up to a month) in the refrigerator, covered. The crust that forms over time is removed or stirred.
Making mayonnaise is very easy

Having tried homemade mayonnaise in this proportion, you can subsequently vary the amount of spices and types of oil used, resulting in a richer or less fatty sauce.
Making mayonnaise is very easy
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Comments (4)
  1. Lazy Paul
    #1 Lazy Paul Guests 19 March 2018 14:30
    Vinegar 9%
  2. N.A.Sh
    #2 N.A.Sh Guests March 25, 2018 10:29
    It can be faster. First, mix all the ingredients except vinegar and oil. I also add a clove of garlic. Then, while beating with a blender, pour in the oil in a thin stream. The convenience is that you control the thickness of the mayonnaise - the more oil, the thicker the sauce. When the desired thickness is reached, add vinegar. All about everything in 2-3 minutes.
    1. Guest Igor
      #3 Guest Igor Guests 31 May 2018 15:38
      There is a clear dependence. One egg takes approximately 200 grams of vegetable oil. For 2 eggs approximately 400 grams.
  3. Guest Igor
    #4 Guest Igor Guests 31 May 2018 15:35
    Mustard and vinegar are added at the very end, when the mayonnaise is ready. Mustard is added for Provencal mayonnaise; in other types it is simply not needed.
    Like I heard a ringing, but I don’t know where it is.