Safe and affordable remedies for the Colorado potato beetle

The fight against the Colorado potato beetle takes a lot of effort and time from potato gardeners. Often this battle is lost - it is very difficult to destroy the beetle and its larvae. Pests eat potato leaves at an astonishing rate. Actively reproducing, they leave no chance for the potato bush - the leaves, the stem, and the flowers suffer.

These insects are able to develop strong immunity to various poisonous agents. Therefore, it is very important to diversify the options for combating it, using not only formulations from the store, but also recipes based on natural ingredients.

Despite the fact that the range of chemical means for destroying this pest is very extensive, many prefer to use folk formulations without toxic chemicals.

Folk and safe remedies for combating the Colorado potato beetle

  • One of the effective means of combating these insects is mustard. Mustard powder is not at all to the taste of the delicate larvae of the Colorado potato beetle. To destroy the pest, you need to prepare the following solution. 100 grams of ordinary food mustard powder are diluted in 10 liters of water.To enhance the effect, you need to pour in another 100 ml of nine percent vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly. It is better to treat affected potato plantings early in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is already setting.
  • The following recipe for combating the Colorado potato beetle is based on the fact that the pest really does not like onions and garlic. In this case, you can use both the vegetable itself and its peel. To prepare the solution, you will need 200 grams of onion peels and the same amount of grated garlic. All this is filled with 10 liters of water and put on fire. Boil the mixture over low heat for 2 hours. After the broth has cooled, it is necessary to strain it. For greater effect, you can add 200 grams of shag. To keep the product on the leaves of plants longer, it is advisable to mix about 30 grams of soap into it. The killer drug is ready.
  • You can simplify the previous recipe by using only onion peels. A 3-liter container is filled one-third with husks. Add water to the top and leave in a dark place for 2 days. Then the solution is filtered. When using, the mixture should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. It is also advisable to add soap for better adhesion.

The area treated with such solutions will be cleared of the Colorado potato beetle.

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