4 fresh ideas for the home handyman

You can make many useful tools and devices with your own hands. At the same time, they will be no worse than store-bought ones, and sometimes even better. We offer 4 great ideas for such devices that are not difficult to assemble in a home workshop.

1. Door hinge making machine

To make this device you will need a thick-walled plate or steel strip. It must be sawed lengthwise with a grinder to a depth of 2-3 cm. Before cutting, drill the workpiece so that, continuing to cut, the joint reaches the edge of the hole. Then we finish it to the end.

Now you need to bend the wall of the workpiece, as in the photo, leaving a gap of a couple of millimeters.

To make a loop, a thin plate with a pre-bent edge is inserted into the device from the side. By hitting it with a hammer from above, you need to twist the workpiece into a tube at the end.

Using the device, we make 2 such parts, and then connect them with a nail pin. To prevent them from coming apart, the edge of the pin can be riveted with a hammer. As a result, all that remains is to drill the doors, and we get a small door hinge.

2. Wire twister

We take a small steel bar with a cross-section of 8-12 mm, and drill a couple of holes at its end with a pitch of 20 mm. We screw a self-tapping screw into one of them.

This device allows you to twist loops of thick wire turn to turn. You can't wrap it with your hands or pliers so well.

3. Mini grinding drum for engraver or drill

To make such an attachment, you need to cut a thin strip of sandpaper. Then we screw it onto the bolt, and glue the edge of the sandpaper with hot glue.

To prevent the drum from turning, screw a nut onto the bolt and tighten the resulting cylinder. That's it, the nozzle is ready for use.

4. Mini scraper for removing stickers

You can use a small homemade scraper made from a safety razor blade to remove stickers or traces of tape. To do this, it is screwed with self-tapping screws onto the edge of the block or slats. In this case, one sharp edge should protrude forward.

Additionally, the blade is secured with several turns of tape. Due to the sharpness of the blade, such a scraper will be able to cut anything from metal, glass and other hard surfaces.

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Comments (1)
  1. Alexey Senior
    #1 Alexey Senior Guests January 8, 2022 01:58
    Pos. 3 - very unprofessional - I use a hacksaw or grinder to cut a groove in the middle of the rod the width of the sandpaper, insert the sandpaper into the groove, twist it in the opposite direction to the rotation of the drill and grind the hole.