10 useful life hacks with a soldering iron for radio electronics

To solder efficiently and quickly, you need practice, a good tool, and knowledge of dozens of nuances. Let's look at 10 tips and life hacks that will take your soldering skills and convenience to the next level. Many of them are quite well-known, but there are also some fresh ideas.

1. Soldering small parts with a thick tip

10 useful life hacks with a soldering iron for radio electronics

If the soldering iron tip is too thick, you can wrap a couple of turns of copper wire around it, straighten and sharpen its edge. An improvised tip will work no worse than a purchased one.
Soldering small parts with a thick tip

2. How to quickly desolder multi-legged components from the board

To quickly desolder a component with a large number of legs from the board, you can apply a copper braid from a shielded wire on top. Before this, it is moistened in a rosin solution, and then heated with a soldering iron.
attach a copper braid with a shielded wire on top

Due to hygroscopicity, the molten solder will flow onto it.
How to quickly desolder multi-legged components from a board

3. How to remove a component using a syringe needle

If you press a needle from a syringe with a cut-off point against the end of the component leg, then when the solder melts, it will squeeze it out of the board. The needle heats up very quickly, so it will not interfere with melting, and its plastic sleeve will prevent you from burning your fingers.
How to remove a component using a syringe needle

4. How to quickly make a spiral soldering iron stand

To make a stand, you need to pick up a small plank and drill 2 holes next to it under one edge.
Drill 2 holes in the board

A wire bent with a staple, with a short and a long end, is inserted into them. The latter is wrapped in a spiral in the shape of a cone.
the wire bent by the staple is wound up

the wire bent by the staple is inserted and bent from below

If the wire falls out, it is better to glue it with hot glue. They also make the legs for the stand. You can put rosin or a sponge on the free surface of the sole.
How to quickly make a spiral soldering iron stand

5. How to do without a “third hand”

You can use pliers or long-nose pliers instead of a third hand. To do this, their arms are tightened with an elastic band. After this, the jaws will be able to hold the parts being soldered.
How to do without a third hand

6. Heat removal by crocodile

To remove heat from boards during soldering, you can place an alligator clip on the heated metal parts. It will prevent sensitive components from overheating.
Heat removal by crocodile

7. Preparation of an alcohol solution of rosin

For soldering stranded wires and other components, it is convenient to use a rosin solution. To do this, you need to rub it into dust or pick it up, and dissolve the resulting powder in alcohol.
grate rosin and dissolve in alcohol

It is convenient to store the solution in a nail polish bottle, as it contains a brush.
Preparation of an alcohol solution of rosin

8. How to clean a stainless steel or nickel plated tip

Such tips can be easily cleaned with a cellulose sponge soaked in water. It is even better to soak it in glycerin, since it does not evaporate.
soak it in glycerin

You need to clean it when the soldering iron is hot.
How to clean a stainless steel or nickel plated tip

9. Cutting glass with a soldering iron

If you need to cut glass along a complex contour, then you should go over it with a glass cutter and then with the hot tip of a soldering iron. Due to a sharp change in temperature, it will crack along the previously made scratch.
Cutting glass with a soldering iron

10. Plastic cutter from a soldering iron

The back side of the sting can be sharpened using sandpaper.
The back side of the sting can be sharpened using sandpaper

The resulting blade, when heated, will cut plastic like butter. In the future, for soldering, the tip can be turned back with the working side out.
DIY plastic cutter from a soldering iron

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We also recommend reading the article: 11 tricks and life hacks for handymen and electronics - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/7218-11-hitrostej-i-lajfhakov-dlja-mastera-i-jelektronika.html
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