How to make a sheath of any shape from PVC pipe

A knife sheath of any shape can be made from a piece of ordinary plastic sewer pipe. It's very simple and doesn't require any special tools at all. A pipe sheath will turn out beautiful and functional.


  • PVC sewer pipe 110 mm;
  • glue for plastic;
  • spray paint;
  • paracord cord.

Scabbard manufacturing process

A piece slightly longer than the required sheath is cut from the pipe. Then you need to spread it lengthwise.

The resulting halves are alternately heated in the oven until soft, removed and pressed between two planes until they harden. It is important not to overheat them so that the plastic does not melt.

Both plates are heated again, then a knife blade with part of the handle is placed between them. After this, everything is compressed through a rag or sponge so that the plastic wraps around the knife.

The sashes are cut to the desired shape, then they are glued together.

After the glue has dried, you need to sharpen their edges.

Holes are drilled along the perimeter of the scabbard at the same pitch.

A paracord cord is sewn into them.

It will prevent the doors from coming apart if the glue fails, and the sheath looks better with it. If the need for a cord arises while hiking or fishing, it can be removed and used for its intended purpose.

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How to make a “leather” sheath from ordinary fabric -
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