DIY foot massage mat

Orthopedic doctors often diagnose young children with flat feet. Many people think that this diagnosis is made forever. In fact, flat feet can be treated with banal physical therapy exercises, massage and wearing the right shoes.

It is known that there are many points on the foot, the stimulation of which can lead to a rapid recovery of any organ. To stimulate these points, as well as to treat flat feet, you can make a foot massage mat with your own hands at home. You can make it from any available items.

Making a foot massage mat

The easiest way is to take a piece of thick fabric and sew buttons in a chaotic manner.

You can take caps from plastic bottles and, using liquid nails, glue them to any base.

DIY foot massage mat

If you have a thick clothesline in the house, you can use that too. It is enough to apply glue to the base and press this rope on top.

Any housewife has dried beans or beans in her kitchen. It is necessary to stitch strips or pockets on a piece of fabric. Pour beans into these sections and sew them up.

A foot massage mat can be made even more interesting and varied. It all depends on your imagination.

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Comments (1)
  1. LiLichkA)))
    #1 LiLichkA))) Guests 4 April 2013 21:53
    Thank you very much for the advice, I wouldn’t have guessed it myself... My brother has flat feet... We’ll try... smile