How to make a baby back massager

The task of parents and educators is not only to develop the child, but also to strengthen his health. Using various exercise machines allows you to strengthen your tone and improve blood circulation. Why buy expensive equipment in the store, because making a baby back massager with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears.
To do this you will need:
- caps from plastic bottles - 12-14 pcs.;
- handles for 5-liter plastic bottles - 2 pcs.;
- shoe lace or strong rope – 1 piece;
- awl;
- colored electrical tape for decoration or thin tape.
At the initial stage, we prepare the lids. It is advisable to choose them by color, then the finished product will be neat and beautiful. We pierce the lids with an awl in two places (like on buttons).
How to make a baby back massager

We attach a cord to one of the handles. It should be clearly in the middle. We string the first cap onto the cord (through the front side). We thread the second lid through the inside. After this we make a knot on the cord. Next, we repeat the procedure, and so on until all the prepared lids are finished.
How to make a baby back massager

How to make a baby back massager

We fasten the rest of the lace to the second handle, trying to hide the ends nicely.If the lids are not secured, they will dangle when the “massager” is in use. You can glue them together, but the edges of the lids are very thin, and during active children's games the glued places may not hold up.
How to make a baby back massager

How to make a baby back massager

How to make a baby back massager

How to make a baby back massager

How to make a baby back massager

How to make a baby back massager

It is safest to use electrical tape. Now it is sold in different shades, which means that choosing it for each color of the lid will not be difficult. We wrap a small layer of electrical tape at the joints, the main thing is that the caps adhere tightly to each other. The back massager is ready, and waste materials were used for its manufacture, which saved a considerable amount.
How to make a baby back massager

How to make a baby back massager
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