How to double the voltage from a transformer simply

How to double the voltage from a transformer simply

If you have a low voltage transformer and need to squeeze twice as much out of it, then there is no problem. Only 4 elements are needed to rectify the output voltage from it and at the same time double it. The scheme is as old as time, but many do not know about it.

Will need

  • Two 4007 diodes.
  • Two capacitors 2200 uF 25 V.

How to double the voltage from a transformer simply

Making a Voltage Doubler

We solder the capacitors in series to each other: plus to minus.
How to double the voltage from a transformer simply

We also solder the diodes in series to each other: anode to cathode. And we solder these two pairs parallel to each other.
How to double the voltage from a transformer simply

Schematically it all looks like this:
How to double the voltage from a transformer simply

We connect our doubler to the transformer.
How to double the voltage from a transformer simply

The value of the alternating voltage from which is approximately 11.5 V. And from the output of the doubler there is already approximately 30 V of direct voltage.
How to double the voltage from a transformer simply

For those who do not understand how 11.5 V turned into 30, I’ll explain: 11.5 V is an alternating voltage that is measured by the root mean square value. After rectification it is approximately 14.4 V. And after doubling it is approximately 29-30 V, taking into account the measurement error and the absence of load.
When using this circuit, also keep in mind that the current to the transformer also doubles. And if the load consumes approximately 0.2 Amperes, the current on the low-voltage winding of the transformer will be 0.4 Amps.

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Comments (4)
  1. Alexander
    #1 Alexander Guests March 25, 2020 12:33
    All my life I thought of such a circuit as a multiplier. And if you need to increase it threefold, then judging by the author’s logic, it will be a tripling, etc.
    1. Ivan
      #2 Ivan Guests March 28, 2020 00:06
      it won't be like this
  2. wet
    #3 wet Guests 4 April 2020 15:24
    As the load current increases, the voltage in such a circuit drops sharply and ripple increases. Therefore, for more or less decent currents, it is necessary to install large capacitors or increase the conversion frequency. Still, nothing more effective than a diode bridge has been invented. But for a situation where the load current is small and there is no way to select the right transformer, this is a working solution.
  3. Alexander Kilinikov
    #4 Alexander Kilinikov Guests 15 May 2020 19:14
    Respect to the author