How to lubricate any lock with graphite from a pencil

It is highly not recommended to lubricate any lock with liquid or thick lubricants, since they become very thick over time, dry out, freeze in the cold... As a result, the key periodically jams when turning, inserting, or the lock becomes impossible to open at all. The problem of keys breaking off in the keyhole is also not uncommon.

Will need

  • A simple pencil.
  • Fine sandpaper. In view of its absence, a file, knife or scissors will do.
  • A piece of paper.

How to lubricate a lock with graphite from a pencil

The first method will require almost nothing from you. We take the key and rub it with the lead of a simple pencil.

Then insert the key into the keyhole and remove it. We repeat the whole process 2-3 times. It would be a good idea to even turn the lock insert (cylinder) several times.

As a result, micro graphite dust particles will penetrate into the rubbing areas and, like balls in a bearing, will help reduce friction.

The second way to lubricate the lock with graphite

The second method is also very simple, but will require a little more effort and time.

We disassemble the pencil and take out the graphite rod from it.We take a sheet of paper and, using fine sandpaper, a file or a knife, grind the graphite rod. The most important thing is that there should not be large inclusions. Since the lock can generally jam, so we crush everything in good faith.

Next, this dust needs to be poured into the lock slot. You can do this using a juice straw. Or roll the leaf into a thin tube and forcefully blow bullets into the lock.

Then, as usual, insert the key and turn the insert several times so that the graphite is distributed evenly throughout the lock.

In this simple way you can lubricate any locks: mortise, padlocks, car locks.

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