Crispy fingers - nuggets

In the modern world, the pace of life is so fast that many people do not want to spend precious hours on cooking. Thanks to this, quick recipes that can be made quickly and tasty are now becoming increasingly popular. This recipe is very simple; preparation requires products that are in almost every refrigerator and a minimum of time, no more than twenty minutes. Crispy fingers are a semblance of the much-loved chicken nuggets known from fast food restaurants, but prepared at home. They can be served both as a complete dish and as an addition to a side dish.

To prepare we will need:
1. Chicken fillet or breast - approximately 300 grams.
2. Kefir - half a glass.
3. Breadcrumbs - 1 cup.
4. Garlic – 2 - 3 cloves.
5. Salt and pepper, to your taste.

Nuggets Crispy fingers

Cooking method:
1. Wash the chicken fillet or breast thoroughly under cold water and dry with a paper towel. If you took a breast, check that there is no bone; if there is one, then trim the bone and all the membranes and fat accordingly. Lightly beat. It is better to cover the top with film or a bag so that the fillet does not tear.Next, cut the fillet first into thin plates, and then into long pieces about the thickness of your index finger. The shape of the pieces can be any to your taste, but in order to match the name of the recipe, we make them look like fingers.
Nuggets Crispy fingers

2. Pour half a glass of kefir into a small bowl. The fat content of kefir does not matter, since we only need it as a marinade. Peel the garlic, wash it and grind it through a press. If you want the dish to have a more piquant taste and the garlic to be felt well, then it is better to take larger cloves. Add garlic to kefir and mix thoroughly. Let it brew for 10 minutes so that the kefir is saturated with garlic flavor.
Nuggets Crispy fingers

3. In a deep plate, mix breadcrumbs with salt and pepper. You can also add any other favorite seasonings. It is better to take larger crackers so that the nuggets are crispy.
Nuggets Crispy fingers

4. First immerse each piece of fillet in kefir, and then roll in breadcrumbs on both sides.
Nuggets Crispy fingers

5. Place the frying pan on the stove, add vegetable oil and heat thoroughly. Place in a frying pan and fry until golden brown on each side for about 5-7 minutes. The readiness of the fillet can be determined by the color of the meat. If it turns white completely, then the chicken is definitely ready.
Nuggets Crispy fingers

6. The finished dish can be served with any side dish you like: buckwheat, pasta, rice or vegetables.
Nuggets Crispy fingers

Crispy fingers will be an excellent alternative when you really want fast food, but are worried about the quality of the dish. By preparing them at home, you will know exactly what products they are made from, that they are fresh and without various preservatives.
Bon appetit!
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Comments (2)
  1. princessira
    #1 princessira Guests 21 August 2017 12:58
    This recipe is a truly valuable find for my family. After visiting McDonald's, children simply dream of nuggets. Now, making them at home, I will be confident in the quality. It turns out that they are not at all difficult to prepare.
  2. Ksusha1214
    #2 Ksusha1214 Guests 28 August 2017 12:52
    I made nuggets for my guests and they really liked them. They said it turned out much tastier than restaurant nuggets. Plus, cooking them at home is much more financially profitable.