How to make a fan?

How to make a fan

Let's make a simple fan.
You will need:
1. 3V motor
2. Section for 2 batteries of 1.5 V each. I bought it from the CHIP and DIP store.
3. Switch.
4. Wire 15 cm.
5. Reels from fishing line or ropes, a jar from Polysorb, a jar of gouache.
6. Impeller from the power supply cooler.
7. Soldering iron.
8. Thermal gun.
9. Self-tapping screws 11 pcs. 2 cm long.

1. Take spools of thread with a diameter of 5 mm and a height of 4.5 cm - from fishing line or cord.
We mark a hole for the switch with a marker and cut a hole slightly smaller than the size of the switch with nail scissors and insert the switch into the reel:
How to make a fan

How to make a fan

2. Now we form the fan frame: put 3 bobbins together and mark four holes for bolts or screws with a marker on the bottom of the upper bobbins. We burn holes through the edges of two bobbins:
How to make a fan

3. Using a lighter, melt and clear the red wire from the section with batteries and attach it to one terminal of the switch, and to the other - the second red wire. To isolate the terminals from contact with each other, fill them with hot glue:
How to make a fan

4. We attach the red wire to the plus + of the engine, and the black wire, respectively, to the minus - of the engine:
How to make a fan

5.The top can be made from a gouache box: on the lid with a soldering iron we form a hole for the wires and 3 holes for the screws. And on the box itself we cut a hole with nail scissors slightly smaller than the diameter of the engine and place it inside. As in the case of the switch, you can pour hot glue on the outside for reliability.
How to make a fan

How to make a fan

6. We place the impeller from the cooler on the plug, fill the voids with plasticine or fill it with paraffin, use a screw or an awl to make a hole in the plug, fill it with epoxy glue or hot melt glue, and place it on the engine. If it is epoxy resin, leave it to dry for a day and only then turn it on!
How to make a fan

How to make a fan

P.S. Inside the Polysorb can (fan support), for the stability of the structure, there are old, outdated batteries.
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Comments (2)
  1. Guest Igor
    #1 Guest Igor Guests 20 July 2018 21:26
    The girl is so scary that no one likes her and that’s why she does all sorts of bullshit?
    Why batteries when everyone has a bunch of old, working adapters for charging phones?
    Or does the girl take this ratsuha with her into the street so that people laugh? She's kind of hot, she's blowing herself away.
  2. Guest Igor
    #2 Guest Igor Guests 21 July 2018 16:17
    Scarier, it’s very difficult to come up with something.I wouldn’t even think of something like this when I’m hungover. I’m generally silent about a sober head.