Electronics. Page 34

Master classes:

Simple infrared sensor

The simplest infrared sensor, which will report the presence of an obstacle, can be made using just one transistor. This homemade product does not have a practical application, but rather a theoretical one, demonstrating the operation of an infrared presence sensor

Headphones from bluetooth speakers

Headphones are an essential accessory for every person these days! Many of us listen to them while playing sports, on the bus, or even on the way to work or school! But many of the Chinese headphones do not produce such good sound, so I decided

Laboratory power supply from an ATX computer block

If you have an old computer power supply (ATX) at home, you shouldn’t throw it away. After all, it can be used to make an excellent power supply for home or laboratory purposes. Minimal modifications will be required and in the end you will get almost

The simplest battery level indicator

The most surprising thing is that the battery charge level indicator circuit does not contain any transistors, microcircuits, or zener diodes.Only LEDs and resistors connected in such a way as to provide an indication of the supply level

Simple flasher on NE555 timer

A very simple flasher can be assembled using the NE555 chip, which is quite common among radio amateurs. The circuit contains a small number of elements and allows you to control one or two LEDs.

Simple universal automatic charger

I tried to insert into the title of this article all the advantages of this scheme, which we will consider, and naturally I did not quite succeed. So let's now look at all the advantages in order. The main advantage of the charger

Simple spot welding machine

In amateur radio practice, resistance welding is not often used, but it still happens. And when such a case comes, but there is neither the desire nor the time to make a good and large machine for spot welding. Yes, if you do it, then it will happen later

Converting a halogen spotlight into an LED one

I had an old 500 W halogen lamp lying in my garage. I used it to illuminate the lower part of the car from the inspection hole. A very convenient good lantern with a handle and a protective grille. But here's the problem: the halogen lamp burned out. Certainly,

Mini welding machine 12 V

With this simple welding machine you can cut thin metals, weld copper wires, and engrave metal surfaces. Other applications can be found without any problems. This mini welding machine can be powered

A simple microwave welding machine

A simple electric arc welding machine can be made by anyone at home, without using any specialized equipment or circuits. All we need is just two microwave ovens, which can be found on

Simple flasher for two LEDs

Almost every novice radio amateur assembled a multivibrator using transistors. This circuit does not require a large number of components and has a principle of operation that is quite understandable for beginners. However, the work of the finished product, despite its simplicity,

Current presence indicator

There may be a need to monitor the presence of current flowing in a circuit in two states: either present or not. Example: you are charging a battery with a built-in charging controller, connected to a power source, but how to control the process? Of course you can

Simple 12V Induction Heater

A simple induction heater consists of a powerful high-frequency generator and a low-resistance coil-circuit, which is the load of the generator. A self-excited generator generates pulses based on the resonant frequency of the circuit. As a result

Sensitive microphone for computer

The simplest computer microphone is a Chinese capsule connected to the input. This capsule microphone is also powered by the computer input. It consists of a condenser microphone with a field-effect transistor amplifier. The sensitivity of such

solar water heater

A solar water heater is also called a solar collector.It serves to heat running water. The simplest solar heater is a barrel painted black and filled with water. Black color absorbs solar energy better

DIY LED lamps

Gradually, lighting devices are switching to LED lamps. This did not happen immediately; there was a protracted transition period with the use of so-called housekeepers - compact gas-discharge light bulbs with a built-in power supply (driver) and a standard

Simple indicator of Li-ion battery discharge

How tightly Li-ion batteries have entered our lives. The fact that they are used in almost all microprocessor electronics is already the norm. So radio amateurs have long adopted them and use them in their homemade products. I contribute to this

Simple automatic regulator

Here is a simple scheme for automatically turning on the fan and controlling its speed depending on the temperature of the sensor. This simplest circuit, consisting of only two elements, can be used in your amplifiers, power supplies, computers and

A simple flasher on one transistor

There is a strong need to make the LED blink to enhance attracting a person’s attention to the signal. But to make a complex circuit there is simply no time and space to place radio elements. I'll show you a diagram consisting of just three, which

Simple light music for 220 V

This simplest light music has only one element. Yes, absolutely alone and nothing but: no resistors, no transistors... It is quite possible to assemble such a light and music installation in 30 minutes.All you need is one solid state relay.

Simple metal detector

I can say without a doubt that this is the simplest metal detector I have ever seen. It is based on just one TDA0161 chip. You won't need to program anything - just assemble it and that's it. Another big difference is that he

Mini soldering iron battery powered

The main advantage of this mini soldering iron is that it is powered by a 3.7 V battery. It is not connected to the network and you can easily take it with you. Of course, its power is not great, but it is quite enough to solder wires or

Simple Tesla Coil

Nikola Tesla is truly a brilliant inventor of all times. He practically created the entire modern world. Without his inventions, we would not have known what we know now about electric current for a long time. One of Tesla's brightest and most amazing inventions is

DIY mini drill

A mini drill can be used to drill holes in textolite boards for the output of radio elements. I personally built a mini drill for this purpose, but you can use it for other purposes as well.