How to cheaply make a pond in the garden from available materials

It’s a good idea to have a pond in your garden with decorative fish that you can watch. Despite the apparent complexity of such a project, in fact it can be done with your own hands, using affordable inexpensive materials. Let's look at how to do this with minimal investment.


  • Burlap or rags;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • brick;
  • plastic water pipes 20-25 mm;
  • pebbles;
  • stones and cobblestones;
  • glass;
  • silicone sealant;
  • aquarium pump.

The process of building a pond in the garden

To make the walls of the pond, you need to cut burlap, blankets or other rags. The resulting pieces are soaked in a solution of cement and water. Then they are laid out on wave slate.

Concrete consisting of cement and sand mixed in equal proportions is placed on top of the soaked rags. You need to make a thick solution so that it does not spread. We form a block of the future wall on a fabric mat and leave it to dry.

After a couple of days, the wave blocks can be used. They are installed on a prepared base. A masonry mortar of sand and cement is applied under them.The shape of the pond can be customized to suit your taste.

You need to place two blocks on the front side of the pond, leaving a gap between them for the viewing glass. Some of the walls are made of brick. Immediately place a tube in the wall to drain the water.

Behind the back wall of the pond, opposite the future viewing window, a collector is laid out for water filtration. In the future, it will flow out of it and fall into the bowl of the pond. The front wall of the collector is made lower than the rear and side walls.

The walls of the pond are made of brick and need to be plastered with a thick layer, and even smooth sides should be formed. You can level the plaster with foam rubber or a sponge dipped in water.

The collector is also plastered. On it you can make an imitation of stone from the same cement with sand. It will look more realistic if its seams are embroidered.

Wet sand is poured into the bottom of the bowl and leveled. Concrete is poured on top of it. Overflow tubes are placed on the front wall of the collector, through which water can flow into the bowl. Concrete is poured to secure them. The ends of the pipes will need to be filed at 45 degrees.

When everything has dried a little, you can move on to painting the sides and walls of the collector, but only on the outside. Next, the sight glass is glued onto the silicone sealant.

The filtrate is placed into the collector. Any filler for a biological filter, such as ceramic rings, crushed stone, or a large-pored sponge, is suitable.

An aquarium pump is placed in the bowl of the pond, and the hose from it is routed to the bottom of the collector. Thus, when pumping is turned on, water will flow into the filter and fall from above to be cleaned. All this equipment needs to be hidden under stones. Plastic is used to decorate the pond. decor or live plants.

Rough concrete floors need to be covered with pebbles.Then the bowl is filled with water. After this, you can turn on the pump. As a result, not only filtration will occur, but also aeration of the water. After a couple of days, when the biological balance in the pond has improved a little, picky fish species can be introduced into it. Inhabitants more sensitive to biobalance will be able to live in it within a few weeks.

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Be sure to check out another option: How to build a garden pond cheaply in a couple of days -
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