Garden figure made of cement

Good day to all. It's April outside. Many gardeners are already preparing for the summer season. They not only plant plants in their garden, but also love to decorate it. Recently, it has become especially fashionable to decorate your garden with crafts made from waste material - plastic bottles, tires, and so on. I also decided to decorate my garden with a handmade craft. And I made a forest clearing with mushrooms and stumps.

Garden figure made of cement


For the manufacture of crafts I needed:

  • A semicircular plastic plate and a small plastic ball.
  • Cement, sand, water.
  • Disposable cups (volume 0.5 l. and 0.1 l.).
  • Knife.
  • Filling mold (old oven sheet).
  • Tassels.
  • Oil paints.
  • Green plastic bottle.
  • 5 liter plastic bottle.
  • Primer for painting.
  • Masking tape.
  • Scissors.
  • Matches, candle.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Glue.
  • Additional decor (flowers, butterfly, ladybug).

Making garden figures from cement

First, I took a plastic plate with a round bottom and, for insurance, greased it from the inside with a drop of sunflower oil so that the mushroom cap would come out well. I diluted the cement solution and poured it into a plate.As you probably already understood, this is the future mushroom cap.

Garden figure made of cement

A little later, when the cement had already set, but had not yet completely hardened, I took a 0.5 liter disposable glass, cut off the bottom and placed it on top of the cap, bottom down, and also filled it with cement solution. The mushroom is ready.

Garden figure made of cement

I left the mushroom to dry for a couple of days in a warm place. Then I easily took it out of the mold, and I also removed the glass from the stem. I also made two small mushrooms. I poured the hats into a small plastic ball, which I first cut in half, and the shape for the legs was 0.1 liter disposable cups. Once the mushrooms were completely dry, I sanded down any rough edges.

Garden figure made of cement

The mushrooms are ready, it's time to make a stump. To do this, I took a 5 liter plastic bottle and cut off the bottom of it to the required height.

Garden figure made of cement

I covered the outside of the workpiece with masking tape so that the cement would stick better. The stump preparation is ready.

Garden figure made of cement

Since I wanted to make a clearing, I needed a form to fill it. I thought for a long time about what to make it from and then the idea came to my mind to use an old baking sheet in the oven. I took a leaf, filled it with cement mortar and installed a stump blank and mushrooms inside. I left it all to dry for a couple more days.

Garden figure made of cement

When everything froze and began to stick together well, I began to shape the stump. Once again I mixed a solution of cement, sand and water, lightly wet the stump blank with water and began to apply cement to it. I smoothed out all the unevenness with a damp brush. Inside the stump, I also applied cement to the sides of the bottle and to the bottom. Once I liked the shape of the stump, I left it to dry until completely dry. This is what happened.

Garden figure made of cement

Then I sanded everything again until it was smooth. The remaining dust was swept away with a soft brush. I applied primer for painting.Once the primer was dry, I painted everything with oil paint. The stump turned out brown, the mushroom caps were painted dark brown on top and light brown on the bottom, and the grass was painted green.

Garden figure made of cement

I gave the paint time to dry and then started decorating the forest clearing with additional decor. I took a green plastic bottle, cut a strip from it and, using scissors, gave it the shape of grass. I deliberately cut an uneven strip, since the grass should be of different heights.

Garden figure made of cement
Garden figure made of cement

To give the grass a natural look, lightly melt a strip over a lit candle.

Garden figure made of cement

Then I glued grass to each mushroom.

Garden figure made of cement

I also glued decorative flowers to the clearing and planted a butterfly and a ladybug on the mushrooms, which, by the way, I made from a black button and covered it with nail polish. I glued grass along the edge of the clearing. My forest clearing is ready.

Garden figure made of cement

When I take my forest clearing into the garden, I will put a pot inside the stump and plant flowers in it. It will look very beautiful. I hope you liked my garden craft.

Goodbye, see you again.

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