New barbecue from an old barrel

In today's smoky bustle of time, the main feature of a day off is outdoor recreation. And oxygen saturation of the body stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. Then, in choosing the composition and usefulness of dishes, the flight of imagination is not limited! But the traditional menu always includes barbecue, the smell of which attracts both adults and children. Retail outlets offer many options for barbecues. However, if you have time and desire, you can do it yourself. For example, from an old metal barrel. At the same time, the strength and durability of such a homemade product is beyond doubt, but the costs are completely absent.

Materials for work:
1. Old metal barrel – 1 pc.;
2. Iron bar – 1 pc.;
3. Rivets for a hand rivet gun – 6 pcs.;
4. Angle grinder (grinder), hammer, drill, pliers, hand rivet gun.

Stages of work:
First stage: give the barrel a shape.
barbecue from an old barrel

Having selected a barrel of the required size, we put it on the beam and align the two edges, forming the bottom of the grill.
barbecue from an old barrel

barbecue from an old barrel

The result is a semicircle with a bottom.
barbecue from an old barrel

Second stage: cut out the main hole.
Using a grinder, we make a longitudinal cut parallel to the bottom of the grill - along the body of the barrel (at a height of 30 centimeters, not reaching the edges of the barrel by 15 centimeters on each edge)
barbecue from an old barrel

On both sides of the bottom cut we make slits up at a distance of 40 centimeters.
barbecue from an old barrel

We get rid of the dangling piece of tin by making a cut parallel to the bottom. It turns out that the main opening of the barbecue is a window. For safety reasons, we bend the lower edge of the learned “window” inward using pliers.
barbecue from an old barrel

Third stage: form the side folds.
Just above the already formed bottom of the grill (10-15 centimeters), we make a cut parallel to it, 15 centimeters long.
barbecue from an old barrel

We turn the angle grinder 90 degrees and form a perpendicular cut, deepening it to the bottom line.
barbecue from an old barrel

We bend the edges of the cuts inward on both sides.
barbecue from an old barrel

In order to get an even bend in the area of ​​the bottom of the grill, you can tap it with a hammer, placing a corner surface.
barbecue from an old barrel

For safety reasons and to stiffen the bottom, we fold the protruding edges of the grill into a triangle.
barbecue from an old barrel

On the opposite side of the barrel we make similar cuts and bends. It turns out the frame of the future barbecue.
barbecue from an old barrel

Fourth stage: connecting the seams.
To connect the joints of the side seams, use a thin drill bit to make two holes at a distance of 10 centimeters from each other.
barbecue from an old barrel

barbecue from an old barrel

We use a rivet gun to connect the walls of the grill (insert the rivet into the hole, set the gun, rivet). Similarly, we fasten the joints of the remaining bends (three more: one on the same side of the barrel and two on the other).
barbecue from an old barrel

barbecue from an old barrel

barbecue from an old barrel

barbecue from an old barrel

Fifth stage: we attach the iron bar - stand.
Cut out the iron strip to the required length.
barbecue from an old barrel

Using a thin drill, we make three holes in it, slightly offset from the edges and in the center.
barbecue from an old barrel

On the back side of the grill we make similar three holes (with the same thin drill and at the same distance from each other).
barbecue from an old barrel

We put a bar inside the barbecue and connect it to the barbecue with rivets.
barbecue from an old barrel

barbecue from an old barrel

The height of the bar attachment (from the bottom) should coincide with the height of the bend of the front wall of the grill.
barbecue from an old barrel

Sixth stage: we make ventilation for air circulation.
In order to ensure uniform air circulation, we make ventilation holes in the lower part of the grill. At the same time, we change the thin drill bit of the drill to a thick one.
barbecue from an old barrel

In total, we make 4 holes on each side in the side walls of the grill.
barbecue from an old barrel

So we got a strong barbecue, “molded from what was.” Everyone, enjoy its convenience and delicious food!
barbecue from an old barrel

barbecue from an old barrel
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (1)
  1. Katya-0802
    #1 Katya-0802 Guests 26 August 2017 18:19
    Oh, what a thought! We have just such a barrel behind the barn. Now I won’t leave my husband until he does something like this to me))