How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

The Year of the Yellow Pig will pass in positive tones if you fill it with pleasant little things that give positive emotions. Creating a soft toy in the Tilda style will not take much time. The result will be a beautiful pig - a symbol of the New Year.
How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year


Materials for creating a toy:
  • fabric scissors;
  • sewing threads to match the fabric or white;
  • padding polyester;
  • satin ribbons for the tail and head;
  • button with two holes (future patch);
  • yellow and flesh-toned fabric;
  • buttons, rhinestones for decoration;
  • black fabric marker.

Sew Pig - New Year's mascot

How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

You need to draw a sketch. To create it you will need a saucer and a glass. By tracing the kitchen utensils on a piece of paper, we get the body and head. Ears and legs are easy to draw yourself. The body with legs is cut out in four copies from yellow fabric.
How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

The fabric is placed under the paper pattern. Both segments should face each other from the inside out. To prevent the design from shifting, it is secured with needles.
How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

Head in two copies made of flesh fabric. Ears – 2 copies made of yellow fabric, 2 – from flesh-colored fabric.
How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

The blanks are connected in the required sequence.
How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

It is easier to sew blanks on a sewing machine, but for one toy you can get by with your hands and machine stitching technique.
How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

The blanks are sewn from the wrong side, then turned inside out and ironed well.
How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

Stuffing is placed in the remaining holes of the two parts of the body and head. The parts are stitched to the end. While suturing the head, the ears are inserted into it.
How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

To create a pig's face, it is important to choose a button of the appropriate size with two holes. Sometimes there isn't one. It can be easily replaced with a homemade button. You will need baked clay for children's creativity and silent effort.
How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

While the snout is baking (5-10 minutes at 100°C), the tail is made. Two satin ribbons are joined together and tied into a bow with one long tail.
Important! The ends of the ribbons must be set on fire so that they do not unravel.
How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

The tail is sewn to the back of the pig. You will need a long needle.
How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

The ribbons can be twisted and the tip sewn above the bow.
How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

The piglet is ready - the muzzle is being formed. Two dots are applied with a marker - the eyes, and a homemade or real button is sewn in the center. The seams at the ears can be easily hidden using a satin ribbon folded like an accordion.
How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

At the final stage, all three parts are sewn to each other. You can sew them separately or all three at once. The ponytail was well complemented by a button in the shape of a ladybug.
How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year

The result is a stable, cute pig. Its task is to brighten up the New Year of its owner.
How to create a soft yellow pig toy for the New Year
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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