Angel made of cotton pads

Good day to all. Many people use cotton pads for their intended purpose. What else can you do with them? You ask, and I will answer you that if you use your imagination, then you can create beautiful things from ordinary cotton pads, for example, Christmas trees, toys or a Christmas angel. Just today we will make an angel.
For production we will need:
- Cardboard.
- Scissors.
- Pencil.
- Glue.
- Cotton pads.
- Wool threads of white and pale yellow color.
- Large bead or foam.
- An iron ring from a keychain or aluminum wire.
- Children's yellow hair elastic.
- Mascara with glitter for eyelashes, this is for decoration. You can use something else.

Let's begin. First we'll work on the angel's body. Let's take cardboard, draw a kind of cone on it (as in the photo) and cut it out. The height of the cone was 10 cm, you can make it any height you need.

Angel made of cotton pads

Now let's glue the part. Here's what I got.

Angel made of cotton pads

The body frame is ready. Now we need cotton pads. We separate each disk into two disks and glue them overlapping onto the cone, starting from the bottom of the body, as shown in the photo.

Angel made of cotton pads

Angel made of cotton pads

Angel made of cotton pads

Angel made of cotton pads

In this way we cover the entire body.We also glue each top layer overlapping the bottom one. We glue a cotton pad on top so that the hole that was there becomes closed.

Angel made of cotton pads

Angel made of cotton pads

Angel made of cotton pads

We leave the body aside for a while so that the glue dries well. In the meantime, let's start making the head. For the head we will take a large bead, but it can easily be replaced with a foam ball. In general, we wrap this bead with white woolen threads, having previously smeared it with glue.

Angel made of cotton pads

Angel made of cotton pads

So we have a head, only the hair is missing. For hair, we will take light yellow woolen threads, although you can take threads of any other color. Cut the thread short. We spread it with glue in the middle and glue it on top of the head. The ends of the thread were not glued. Thus we glue a few more threads.

Angel made of cotton pads

Angel made of cotton pads

I glued the hair at the back a little differently. We cut the thread again, only twice as long as originally, fold it in half, grease the fold with glue and glue it to the back of the head.

Angel made of cotton pads

Angel made of cotton pads

Glue the required number of threads in the same way.

Angel made of cotton pads

This is what happened.

Angel made of cotton pads

Let's also put the head aside for now and let the glue dry. In the meantime, we will make the wings. We will need cardboard. In fact, wings can be of any shape. I made them in the shape of a heart. To do this, I hand-drew a heart of the desired height and cut it out.

Angel made of cotton pads

We take cotton pads, tear them into small pieces and begin gluing them to the wings. You need to start gluing from the edges, gluing in the middle last.

Angel made of cotton pads

Angel made of cotton pads

After the glue has dried, glue the second side of the wings. When the glue dries on the other side, glue the wings to the angel’s back.

Angel made of cotton pads

The angel also needs hands.Take one cotton pad and roll it into a cone, fixing the edges with glue. You need two of these parts. Cut the top of the cone at an angle, as shown in the photo. Hands are ready.

Angel made of cotton pads

Glue the hands in place.

Angel made of cotton pads

Glue the head.

Angel made of cotton pads

Now we can start decorating our figurine. Decorate to your taste and color. I took mascara, not a simple one, with glitter, and decorated the angel’s dress a little.

Angel made of cotton pads

Almost forgot about the halo. Let's take a ring (you can use it from a key ring or roll the wire into a ring), grease it with glue and “put” a hair elastic on top. Like a car tire on a rim. Then we glue our halo to the head. The angel is ready.

Angel made of cotton pads

Angel made of cotton pads

Here's the rear view.

Angel made of cotton pads

I hope you found it interesting to make such an angel with me. Goodbye, see you again.
come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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