Eagle owl made from plastic bottles

The eagle owl is one of the largest species of owls. With a little effort, you can place such a gorgeous bird on your porch. And the delight of others for the owner of a funny bird is 100% guaranteed. And how you can make such a miracle with your own hands later in this master class. So, everything in order.

Eagle owl made from plastic bottles

To make such an eagle owl you will need the following materials:
- 5 liter round bottle (for the body).
- many plastic bottles of different sizes (0.5-2.5 l). About 15 of these brown bottles were used for this particular bird. When selecting containers, you need to ensure that the surface is smooth without embossed inscriptions or spikes - although such material can only be used at the bottom, since there are spikes at the top and the inscriptions will be noticeable.
- it is necessary to provide material for the paws (in this case, these are simple round sticks, but the part that will be inside is painted so that it is not noticeable).
- foam from packaging for the “face” of the bird.
- tools for work: scissors, a small knife, a construction stapler with staples, pliers, an awl, wire, tape.
Now you can start assembling the body. You need to cut out the neck and hole for the paws using a knife and scissors.

start collecting the body

Next, you should insert the legs and you can make a support from a plastic box, like a stand for convenient work on the bird.

plastic box support

Cut out the “hips” for the bird from the necks of the bottles, but for better fitting, you need to make a cut with a 1 cm depression, as in the photo, so there will be a tight connection of the thigh without a gap.

thigh joint without gap

Using a knife and scissors, we cut the feathers; from 1 bottle you get 5 large feathers. To do this, you need to completely cut off the neck with a knife. Then you need to cut with scissors from the neck straight to the bottom, so you get stripes - feathers. The very bottom needs to be grabbed 0.5 cm (for volume), on the bottom area you need to help with a knife, since the plastic is thicker there.

cut the feathers

The upper part of the feather, which is near the neck, needs to be corrected beautifully with scissors and a V-shaped neckline should be made.

cut the feathers

First of all, the thighs are made separately. To do this, large feathers are cut in half and secured with a stapler in 3 rows, but you need to bend the staples yourself using pliers.
Using an awl, a hole is made to attach the finished thighs to the body using wire.
The tail is made separately, you need to fold 5 feather beds and fasten them with wire. Make a cut in the body and insert the finished tail.
So ball by ball, starting from the bottom, feathers are attached. To make it convenient to bend the staples, the neck (brown neck) needs to be pulled out, and when the entire body is covered in feathers, inserted again.

collecting eagle owl

For the head, you can use the neck of a large round bottle. Cut off the neck and make a cutout for insertion on the body.

collecting eagle owl

Then you need to attach the feathers to the back of the head in 2 rows. You can start working on your face. Draw the outline of the eyes, cut out a nose from the foam, paint it. Then it’s worth gluing the nose, but you need to choose a special glue, because regular shoe glue melts the foam.When the nose is dry, small feathers are cut out and glued, you need to start placing them symmetrically around the eyes. In this case, glue for foam products was used.

collecting eagle owl

Next, you need to assemble the head and put it on the body.
For the wings you need a construction metal mesh, feathers, and a stapler. To shape the mesh into wings, you need to use pliers.

collecting eagle owl

And make the wings into 3 balls, but the upper corners of the feathers will need to be rounded off with scissors.

collecting eagle owl

You need to attach the wings with wire to the body under the feathers. You can install a finished eagle owl on the site. This craft will add life to the area and inspire new plastic pets.

Eagle owl made from plastic bottles
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Comments (2)
  1. Alexander
    #1 Alexander Guests December 2, 2015 09:29
    Fortunately, we have a lot of plastic dishes and bottles left over from last year - it’s good that we didn’t throw them away! Last summer my uncle made very beautiful butterflies from liter plastic bottles!
  2. _SuNNy_
    #2 _SuNNy_ Guests 7 August 2017 10:26
    Great idea to recycle bottles left at the dacha! The process of transforming them into an eagle owl is not easy, judging by the master class)) but it’s worth a try. Thanks for the tip.