Cheerful snowman made of cotton wool

What do children do when winter comes? Of course, making snowmen is a favorite pastime for children of all ages. And even adults do not remain indifferent to this, they also participate in this entertainment. But unfortunately, you can’t predict when snow will fall, but you still want to build a snowman. So, let's make it together from cotton wool and other available materials.
For this you will need: cotton wool, sticks (you can use toothpicks), a sprig of wheat, ribbon, pins with beads at the end. New Year's decorations for the home will look great on the Christmas tree. It can also be placed on a windowsill or hung on a chandelier.

cotton wool snowman

DIY snowman. Take a pack of cotton wool and separate three pieces from it: small, medium and large. Roll them into balls. But to keep them even, use water. Wet a little piece of cotton wool and roll it up, cover the ball with another layer of white “snow”. After performing this action, the ball will turn out even.

cotton wool snowman

Now you need to fasten the head, body and lower part; for this you can use glue, paste, or fasten them using a pin. In the latter case, take the tool and pierce the balls, then put them on the pin in order.First a large one, then a medium one, and finally a small lump of cotton wool. If you want to do this using a paste, then it is done like this: take water, add starch to it and cook until thick.

cotton wool snowman

Roll two small balls of cotton wool, just like you did the body of the snowman. These will be the arms, and attach them to the middle ball (on the torso).

cotton wool snowman

Decorate the snowman. Take a thin strip of cardboard and roll it into a tube. Glue the edges of the paper and cut off the excess - this will be a bucket on the snowman’s head. Tie a ribbon, that is, a “scarf,” around the snowman’s neck. It can also be replaced with fabric. Cut a thin strip out of it that will resemble a ribbon. Make his eyes out of pins with a bead at the end.

cotton wool snowman

If desired, you can make buttons for the snowman on the middle ball (on the body) in the same way. Attach a branch of wheat to the snowman's hand - this will be a broom.
Your snowman is ready!
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