Decorative plate “Bees on flowers”

A decorative plate can be made from any item of suitable shape or, as in this case, from an ordinary disposable plate. The original composition will make the product beautiful and unusual. Will it be your own idea or borrowed

Flower arrangement and cold porcelain

Do you do handicrafts and still haven’t tried making flower arrangements using the cold porcelain technique? It's time to fix it! To prepare cold porcelain you need: - 50 grams of starch; - 50 grams of soda; - 50 grams of water; - any

Earrings "Flowers"

In the summer you want to look bright and beautiful, original jewelry will help with this. But to be sure that no one else will have such decorations, you can make them yourself from polymer clay. The variety of polymer clay is as follows:

Airplane ceiling tiles

An aviation legend in miniature. Aeromodelling is a great activity that is suitable for both boys and grown men. A love of airplanes, as well as a little patience, is probably all that is needed to make a good one.

Flowers for decoration made of polymer clay

Gone are the days when there was only plasticine and ordinary clay! Now there is such a variety of materials for creativity that your head is spinning with what else to do. Polymer clay is a godsend for creative people. It's very nice on

Crafts from pieces of yarn, cereal, pasta

Interesting and unusual creative work can be made from materials of different textures. In one picture you can use cereals, pasta, scraps of yarn and thread, plasticine, and such interesting paper techniques as origami. Such

Easter 3D flowerbed

Painted chicken eggs will no longer surprise anyone, no matter how professionally the painting is done. Even a child can easily apply floral designs. What if you add volume to the painting and breathe life into the flowers? Let's try! Us

Fish on a plate

The applique is made of pasta of various shapes on a plate. The base used is ordinary plasticine for children's creativity. What motivated me to create crafts was the huge assortment of pasta on supermarket shelves,

Plasticine painting

Probably everyone watched the domestic plasticine cartoon. Agree, very beautiful and unusual. I suggest you do something similar, namely a picture from plasticine. Of course it sounds strange, but don’t worry, everything is beautiful and

Rainbow caterpillar made of plasticine

In this master class, we will sculpt a seemingly ordinary caterpillar from plasticine balls, which even the smallest child can handle, but due to the smooth transition of colors and a couple of small details, the craft will turn out to be extraordinary. Let's get started

Making a stuffed bird

In order to make a stuffed bird, you need to have: Wire, copper sulfate (or its solution), a brush (for applying copper sulfate), tow (or any padding material (sintepon, cotton wool, etc.), glue (moment),

Bottle decor “Golden sunflowers”

Beautiful things attract attention. And beautiful things made by hand are pleasing not only to the eyes, but also to the soul. There is no factory stereotypedness and facelessness in them, but there is always a place for creative imagination and a non-standard approach to the standard

Paper rose

When there are always flowers in an apartment or house, even the air seems cleaner and more pleasant. It’s difficult to please yourself with fresh flowers all year round, so I figured out how to pamper myself with beautiful scents and views, without real flowers. Today I will tell you and

Decorative vase

Any thing made with your own hands has greater value than something simply bought in a store. Especially if it is a piece of furniture, in this case, you can choose any size, shape and style that suits your needs.

Eyes for dolls

Everyone, literally everyone, sculpted from plasticine in childhood. Modeling is included in the preschool development program for citizens. Some did better, some did worse.Some are already old, but they enjoy passing the time by modeling various figures. One problem

Clay horse

Recently, many people have subordinated their lives to the Chinese calendar. And according to it, January 31 marks the year of the horse. The blue horse is a talisman and is supposed to bring good luck all year round. Especially if it is made by yourself.

Christmas tree from a candy box

Many people ask the question: how to decorate a house for the New Year holidays? Let's create together a little sister of a big New Year tree from candy packaging. For work you will need: candy packaging, plasticine or plaster, colored paper or foil. We

Rocking picture

A swinging picture created from scrap items can become an interesting interior addition to a child’s room. So, let's get started. We will need: white thick paper (or cardboard), scissors, paints, PVA glue, cocktail tubes, tape,

Children's craft "Aquarium in a box"

Children's crafts are of great importance for the development of a child of any age. They develop not only fine motor skills, but also imagination, the ability to express themselves and understanding of the world around them. And today we will show you how to use plasticine and matches

Plate with three-dimensional image

Antique styling: decorative plate with a three-dimensional image. I really like antique things. There is a certain mysterious charm of time in them: they once decorated the interior of the estate, witnessed the fate of its inhabitants, and then

Candy bouquet made of colored paper

Colored paper is a favorable material for creativity with children. You can create three-dimensional crafts from double-sided colored paper and then present them as a gift. For example, my daughters and I tried to make flowers like these, they were very

White-winged gliders, airplane made from ceiling tiles

Recently, small models of gliders made from EPP, or, in other words, from ceiling tiles, have begun to appear in toy stores. Of course, such a toy flies beautifully, can withstand many flights and can be used everywhere, but the prices are steep - $9 per

Polymer clay earrings

Do you remember how you once learned to sculpt from plasticine as a child? There are so many interesting ideas, but all of them, as a rule, ended in dirty hands and unfulfilled expectations. Today there is an excellent alternative to all of these

How to get a special decoration?

Namely, decoration made of polymer clay, or, as it is also called, plastic (thermoplastic). This material is quite easy to use: it resembles plasticine. Sometimes it is called “adult plasticine.” And rightly so, because this material is completely