Fish on a plate

The applique is made of pasta of various shapes on a plate. The base used is ordinary plasticine for children's creativity.

Pasta applique

Motivated to create crafts a huge assortment of pasta on supermarket shelves, varied in shape and size. I saw a lot of room for creativity in this.

Previously, I saw how crafts from cereals were made using a similar technique. They covered a bottle or glass with plasticine, and then laid out drawings of various cereals. It turned out very nice.

For my craft, I took a plate. It is better to use glass, ceramic or plastic dishes. It’s not very convenient to work with disposable dishes or foam plates, and the finished craft looks worse. I selected the pasta that, in my opinion, was most suitable for fish.

Pasta applique

Prepared plasticine. I love improvisation, so I had a sketch in my head, but you can first draw the outline with a glass marker on the plate.


1. Lightly warmed up the plasticine on the radiator (you can warm it and knead it in your hands).
2. Then I sculpted the outline of the fish from plasticine on a plate about 5 mm thick. In this case, it is not worth making it thinner, since large pasta will not hold well. It is not necessary to follow the sketch exactly.Excess plasticine is easy to remove, and if there is not enough, you can slightly smear it as you work.

Pasta applique

3. Then I started “sticking” the pasta. They need to be pressed deeper to hold well. First I took large pasta, then filled the remaining space with small cones. I filled the empty niches with rice as much as possible. I broke off the long pasta for the tail with my hands to approximately the size, and in some places I folded 2-3 pieces. After painting and varnishing, the joints become almost invisible.

Pasta applique

4. I painted the finished fish with gouache and the eyes and mouth with nail polish. Of course, it’s easier to color the pasta in advance and use already colored ones, but in this case there is less room for creativity. It is important to paint over the plasticine with a thick gouache brush in between, otherwise the craft will look sloppy.
5. Varnishing is a mandatory and final stage, since varnish not only adds shine and makes the appearance more aesthetic, but also securely secures the applique to the plate. I used varnish for furniture quick drying. It is important to apply a lot of varnish so that it flows and fills the space between the pasta. In addition, I made a 5 mm wide varnish border around the craft. I covered this craft with 5 layers, which I applied as it dried. It is enough to cover less embossed applications with 2-3 layers of varnish.

After the varnish has dried, the craft is ready. Few people, without looking at it closely, guessed that it was made from ordinary pasta. The technique is very simple and my children took an active part in the work. Even my 4-year-old daughter enjoyed making pasta and painting them with a brush.

Pasta applique
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