Ring pad

To make a beautiful and original pillow for rings we will need: a piece of satin fabric, scissors, cardboard, ruler, pencil, needle, threads, beads, beads, silicate glue or super glue gel, padding polyester (or any other) filler,

Original postcard for March 8th

Nowadays the stores are full of postcards for any event, but the popularity of hand-made items does not cease to grow. Agree, it’s nice to receive a postcard on which the giver may have spent more than one hour creating it personally for you. Give a piece

Cookies for loved ones

The most pleasant, warm and exciting moments are the minutes spent with loved ones. And what could be better than a cup of hot, excitingly aromatic coffee in the morning with cream and homemade cookies with your family. We present you the original recipe

Pincushion - fly agaric

There is an old proverb: “Like finding a needle in a haystack.” It is really very difficult. So at home, you need the needles to have their own place. To do this, I propose to knit a needle bed called “Amanita” with my own hands.

A gift for your loved one – a pencil holder with ducklings in love

A handmade pencil holder can be a wonderful gift for your loved one on Valentine’s Day. For it you need to have the glass itself and two knitted figures of ducklings: a boy and a girl.

Violets on the windowsill

Flowers are a great gift. But it’s not always possible, and indeed the desire, to buy real flowers, because they dry out so quickly, but a gift made with your own hands will warm your heart for a long time. Today we will do something big together

Mechanical water leakage prevention system

Many people are familiar with the problem of water leaks in apartments, due to a damaged faucet or a burst hose. To prevent such a misfortune from happening, or rather, to prevent it, I propose to make a homemade product from common parts and

Shaman's Staff of Rain

Let's try to make a Rainstick with our own hands, or, as it is called in Russian, the Staff of Rain. This is an ethnic South American musical instrument that has long left the homes of shamans and is used by many modern musicians.


Sometimes you want to please a loved one, but coming up with something original is not always easy. So I was faced with such a problem. And after much thought, I decided to make the applique in a beautiful frame. When I started making the frame, I changed my mind

Compositions from cereals

In order to make a unique composition of cereals with your own hands, you need very few materials that can always be found in the house.For work we need cereals of different colors. If you want to create your own story, first

Portrait made of buttons

There is a mood when, standing in front of a store window, you understand: figurines and glasses do not bring the joy that you want to bring with a memorable gift. One day, Eureka gave me the confidence to make an unusual portrait with my own hands.

Unusual uses of toothpaste

Toothpaste protects teeth and the entire oral cavity from unwanted diseases, inflammation and other unnecessary nonsense. But the use of toothpaste does not end there. Toothpaste has many other beneficial properties that are sure to be put to good use.

LED cube 3x3x3 non-programmable

I think many people wanted to assemble such a cube, but not everyone had the opportunity to purchase a microcontroller (MK), and not everyone knows how to program. So here's an alternative. . .

Christmas tree from a binder

It’s very easy to make this awesome New Year’s beauty from a piece of cardboard (our piece was cut from an old binder) and furry tinsel.

Simple multimedia projector

The time of the USSR is a thing of the past and left behind various trinkets that are no longer needed by anyone. For example, you probably have a slide projector or filmoscope in your closet. Nobody needs him anymore, and it’s a shame to throw him away... Let’s give him a second one

DIY lamps

Any homemade lamp is beautiful and unusual. Of course, no one has this except you! I will give you a couple of dozen designs of homemade lamps.After all, the main thing is the idea, not the material!

Magic wallet

This wallet is a very funny thing. These wallets are sold in oddity stores. Looks very funny. And even a child can make such a craft; look at the diagram or video; it’s very simple.

Air conditioner

Summer is in full swing. But many homes or offices, unfortunately, do not have air conditioning, and therefore you have to sit and swelter in the heat. Here in the article I will give you three designs of varying complexity on how to make an air conditioner with your own hands. . .

Glowing pictures

Glowing pictures are a wonderful holiday gift. Business - nothing at all, but how beautiful. . .

Crafts from floppy disks

Yes... the floppy disk drive is a thing of the past... and leaves behind a lot of floppy disks. It's a shame to throw it away... Here's an idea --->

Animated engraving

A lot of new things have been discovered in modding over the years. The technology has become more advanced, and modders have gained a lot of experience. But as then, today most often a single sheet of acrylic is used for engraving. But you can work with several. It may

Solar battery

A solar battery is a device for converting solar energy into electricity. High performance solar panels, which you can buy at Radio Shack and other stores, are made from specially processed silicon and require

Diffraction spectroscope

A spectroscope is a device that allows you to study the spectrum of light by dividing its spectral components along a certain axis.Light can be divided into monochromatic waves either through the phenomenon of dispersion or diffraction. IN

Making a lampshade

A lampshade or lamp cap does not need to be purchased in a store. You can make it yourself. After renovating the room, a length of fiberglass remained. You can assume that you have in your hands the best material for making one or more