Shaman's Staff of Rain

Let's try to make a Rainstick with our own hands, or, as it is called in Russian, the Staff of Rain. This is an ethnic South American musical instrument that has long left the homes of shamans and is used by many modern musicians.

In order to make this rattle, which imitates the sound of rain, a special type of cactus is traditionally used, the trunk of which has been dried and removed from the core. We will use a simple cardboard tube, the kind you usually wrap with baking foil or cling film. First, using an awl, we need to make a lot of holes in it:

Next, we need to install a “mechanism” inside the tube that will make noise. The Indians used needles from the same cactus. We will take ordinary chopsticks, which we obtained by gutting a bamboo napkin. You can also use regular toothpicks. This is what you should end up with:

The more often the sticks are placed in the tube, the more realistic and brighter the sound will be. Then we cut out a circle from cardboard and seal one end of the tube. For this we use corrugated decorative paper, which is used by flower sellers. You can use any other one, this one was taken from a florist salon.

In order for Rainstick to make its wonderful sounds, something must touch the toothpicks located inside. Any bulk material will do. In this case we use fig. Buckwheat, pearl barley, and small plastic balls are also often used. Whatever you have on hand will do.

After this, you can seal the second end of the tube with cardboard and decorate it beautifully using corrugated paper.

The rainstick is used like a rattle. Just don’t shake it, but carefully turn it over. Then the falling rice or other filler will create a measured rustling sound, similar to the sound of rain. They say that if you rustle for too long, it may actually rain. Is it true? Now is your chance to check it out for yourself.

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Comments (2)
    #1 STALKER Guests November 10, 2011 09:43
    whatever they come up with. but it's cool. applauseapplauseapplause
    #2 NOTFRONT Guests 11 November 2011 19:44
    Brett finally...