Construction and repair. Page 14

Master classes:

Construction of walls from foam blocks

Today, foam blocks are widely used in the construction of various types of premises, both residential and commercial buildings. Interest in this building material is caused by the fact that, due to its large dimensions, walls made of foam blocks can be erected quickly.

Self-vulcanizing repair tape

To quickly restore the tightness of water pipes, heating systems, car pipes, as well as for insulating high-voltage wires, you should always have a repair tape on hand, which turns into a monolithic material within 24 hours

How to paint a bath

The metal bath has a long service life. It is installed by the developer at the time of delivery of the finished house or by the apartment owner at the time of purchase of the property. It is changed much less frequently during renovations or interior changes. This work is labor-intensive,

Replacing cast iron drainage system with plastic one

During plumbing repair work, it becomes necessary to replace part of the sewer pipe (usually a tee).Instead of the obsolete cast iron pipe, plastic is used everywhere today. About how to properly implement reliable

How to make a hammer from hot glue

Some materials require particularly delicate and careful handling when working with them. In such cases, a rubber-headed hammer or a wooden mallet is better suited. Without them, repair work is often impossible or difficult. They are used

Hammers wooden stakes with a hammer drill

Another simple device that will save your time and effort. Imagine: during the construction of something, it is necessary to drive a large number of wooden stakes into the ground in order to stretch the thread for leveling or marking the territory.

How to replace the handles on the mosquito net of a plastic window

The handles on the mosquito net are one of the weakest points of a plastic window. They break very quickly. This happens due to the plastic drying out. From high or low temperatures it crumbles, and the holders break off to the ground.

How to replace a socket box with a socket

Quite often you can see a socket torn out of the wall along with the socket box, especially if the wall is concrete or reinforced concrete. This usually occurs due to a violation of the installation technology of such parts of electrical equipment, but it is also possible

A simple device for laying blocks that will save your time and effort

Any mason knows how important the accuracy and precision of brickwork is, especially from modern materials such as foam concrete or aerated concrete.The blocks of these materials are quite smooth, and the thickness of the seam is measured in a few millimeters.

How to make a bend in a PVC pipe

It is not always possible or desirable to cut a pipe to insert a drain that has a smaller diameter. In this case, a device is used that is called a pipe tap. It is an overlay with an outlet and a special fastening system.

How to make a simple laser level from a pointer

In construction and finishing, precision is important, which can be perfectly maintained using a laser level. This is an expensive tool, so purchasing it for a one-time repair is impractical. For small jobs, you can make a level yourself from

Do-it-yourself laminate installation

Many people prefer laminate flooring. This material gives the room a beautiful and neat look. As a rule, the advantage of laminate is that its installation is simple and quick. In order to lay

Aligning walls with beacons

Leveling walls is a rather complicated construction operation that requires certain skills. It is especially difficult when the wall surface has a large slope, or curvature horizontally or vertically. Therefore, before starting

How to lay tiles on a wall

One of the best and most practical options for finishing the walls of a room with special conditions is ceramic tiles. This option is especially suitable for the bathroom, toilets, and kitchen. If you have the necessary tools and skills, then it is better to perform

Removing the ball from the foam gun

At the top of the gun there is a special adapter (threaded fitting) for connecting a cylinder with a foam composition under excess pressure. After connecting the cylinder to the adapter, the pressure is applied to the entire internal part

How to install a window sill if the window is already standing

Sometimes, due to damage, it is necessary to dismantle the old window sill and install a new one. Some people did not order a window sill along with plastic windows at one time, but later decided to install it. Now we will look step by step

Repair of axle box crane without replacement

Dripping water from a closed tap in the kitchen can easily ruin family relationships. There is also the opposite process - nothing elevates a man in the eyes of his wife more than independently repairing plumbing, electrical and other household appliances.

How to revive a ball valve if it is jammed

At some point, you needed to turn off the water supply in an apartment or house, but all your attempts to turn a long-unused shut-off valve ended in failure. The reason for this phenomenon is banal - the use of low-quality plumbing

The water tap is dripping: how to fix the water leak?

Leaking water from a faucet in the kitchen or bathroom is a fairly common occurrence. The leak itself does not pose a serious threat, but there are a number of reasons that determine the need to eliminate it. Firstly, this will avoid unnecessary expenses for

How to properly and securely wind flax onto plumbing connections

Despite the availability of modern materials for sealing plumbing threaded connections, flax remains relevant due to its reliability, resistance to high temperatures, the possibility of adjustment and a long service life.

DIY heated towel rail installation

Having a heated towel rail in the bathroom is very convenient. With its help, you can always dry wet laundry, washed baby diapers, and other things. In addition, a heated towel rail can serve as a heating element for the bathroom.

How to install a socket if there are short wires left

Over time, in Soviet houses, sooner or later it is necessary to change sockets. They become loose, modern Euro forks do not fit into them, there are other reasons. Wiring in old buildings of the Soviet Union is made of aluminum. Aluminum single core

High-speed tile laying using a super comb

Is it possible to quickly and efficiently lay dimensional tiles on large volumes? What new techniques and homemade tools are there for this? Are there any subtleties in this work and modern devices? All these questions can be answered

Installing a circulation pump in a heating system using a bypass

A gravity heating system with water circulation, due to the difference in temperature (and therefore density) of the coolant in the forward and return pipes, can be installed and used only for small one-story houses. Today for this purpose (and for