How to replace the handles on the mosquito net of a plastic window

How to replace the handles on the mosquito net of a plastic window

The handles on the mosquito net are one of the weakest points of a plastic window. They break very quickly. This happens due to the plastic drying out. From high or low temperatures it crumbles, and the holders break off to the ground.
How to replace the handles on the mosquito net of a plastic window

That is why you should not leave mosquito nets on the windows in winter. This significantly reduces their use life. After all, not only the holders, but also the plastic frame and the mesh itself can suffer from frost.
True, plastic also suffers in the summer, but at this time it will not be possible to remove the mesh in the apartment. Therefore, breakdowns also happen to thrifty owners.
But don't be upset. You can always buy mosquito net handles and replace them yourself. This is quite easy to do.
You can order holders for mosquito nets online, and they are also sold in hardware stores.

Will need

To work you need the following:
  • a screwdriver (if you don’t have one at hand, you can use a dull knife with a thick blade);
  • new holders.

How to replace the handles on the mosquito net of a plastic window

Instructions for working on replacing the handle

Before replacing the handle on the mosquito net, you must remove any plastic debris.To do this, use a screwdriver to remove the sealing cord. We do this only near the place where the handle is attached.
How to replace the handles on the mosquito net of a plastic window

We remove the plastic debris from the groove.
How to replace the handles on the mosquito net of a plastic window

We insert a new holder into the groove.
How to replace the handles on the mosquito net of a plastic window

Using a screwdriver, carefully return the sealing cord to the groove.
How to replace the handles on the mosquito net of a plastic window

In the same way we replace the second handle on the grid.
How to replace the handles on the mosquito net of a plastic window

It took just a few minutes to install new handles on the mosquito net. Now you can attach it outside the window at any time.
How to replace the handles on the mosquito net of a plastic window

This time it was possible to repair the mosquito net, but it is worth remembering that the breakdown could be more serious. If you are leaving for a long time in the summer, it is preferable to remove the screens from the windows and remove them from the scorching sun. The same advice applies to the winter period.

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Comments (4)
  1. Alexey R.
    #1 Alexey R. Guests 8 April 2019 14:24
    Over time and with minimal effort, these new plastic ones will fall apart. The easiest way to make holders from rigid wire; - they are eternal, unnoticeable, accessible and free :). Two holes in the frame all the way through on each side + make a wire eyelet. Profit.
    1. Akril
      #2 Akril Guests 9 April 2019 22:22
      The handles were invented not by users, but by manufacturers, as well as the loops with pockets, also made of plastic, so the described method is quite valid and is often used by craftsmen on the go.
    2. Guest Gosha
      #3 Guest Gosha Guests 30 April 2019 16:31
      Absolutely the right decision. Only I made it from a narrow leather strap. But the point is the same: plastic simply becomes brittle over time.
  2. Stainless steel
    #4 Stainless steel Guests 11 August 2019 11:44
    And I just took office clips (binders).