Construction and repair

Master classes:

16 ways to make life easier for a home handyman

Here are tips that do not require professional knowledge and skills, but require ingenuity and a desire to do something with your own hands. For example, please a child with a self-propelled machine, and share the experience of opening cans with the hostess.

How to make a gun for quickly grouting tile joints

Anyone who has ever grouted tile joints with a spatula remembers well how long it took. You have to carefully press the fugue, then wait until it dries, and then wash the seams several times so as not to leave streaks. Having done this

1 common cause of sewer smell in the toilet and how to eliminate it

One of the reasons for the smell from the sewer into the room is the corrugated adapter with cilia (petals), which connects the toilet to the riser tee. Most often, such an adapter is simply inserted with cilia into the tee and left there

How to make a manual concrete mixer from a plastic barrel

We make the frame for the future concrete mixer from a suitable channel using welding.To do this, we will need a pair of long and short blanks. From the same material we make 2 racks for installing wheels, which we weld vertically into

How to fix a roofing felt roofing

During strong gusts of wind, it happens that roofing sheets, corrugated sheets, or tiles are torn off the roof. What can we say about simple roofing felt! Especially if mistakes were made during installation - places left unsealed with bitumen or not sealed tightly

How to make fireproof mortar from wood ash

A mortar made from cement and sand or clay alone is not suitable for plastering a brick oven with a metal hob. It will quickly crack, which will impair the operation of the stove and even pose a danger to people. Need mixed for

How to make a simple device and easily bend reinforcement for a foundation frame

Clamps for the reinforcement frame are made using “clamp benders”, which cost a lot of money. But perfectly straight clamps can be made using a simple device that any adult can assemble. Moreover, this does not require special knowledge,

How to repair a crack in brickwork

If for any reason a crack appears in the brickwork, then you should not use construction foam or cover it with any sealants to seal it. Exactly in a year there will be no trace left of such repairs.

How to update an old door with laminate and save on replacing it

If you cover an old wooden door with laminate, it will acquire a new attractive design and the heat and sound insulation will noticeably improve.With some diligence and effort, any adult can cope with such work. Costs for

How to make slate with high performance characteristics from leftover PVC pipes

If after laying or reconstructing communications there are pieces of plastic pipes left, then they can also be put to use, transforming them into something useful and necessary for the household or summer cottage.

How to remove voids in tiles without dismantling

In order to detect voids under the floor tiles formed during the initial installation, we tap them with an ordinary wooden mallet. Those places that are not filled with adhesive mass give themselves away with a louder and longer sound.

A basic system of heated floors in a bathhouse at almost no cost

Let's consider a fairly simple method of installing heated floors in a bathhouse with heating from a sauna stove, that is, an additional source of thermal energy is not required for this purpose. The stove was also built without great expense, since for this

Is it blowing from the junction of the window and the window sill? Repair in a few minutes

If in the winter cold it blows strongly from under a plastic window, then this not only leads to additional costs for heating the premises and a deterioration of the microclimate in them, but also creates a real threat of catching a cold, getting sick, and for these reasons children will have to

Quick roof repair in snow and rain

In winter, fused roofs become brittle, which leads to their rapid destruction. Places with intensive ice formation are especially susceptible to this.On roofs, leaks most often occur in areas with drainage funnels and

How to ideally surround a pipe with carpet or linoleum

And why did we study geometry at school? After all, we will never need it in life! You are wrong! It will come in handy. And where? The answer to this is given by a video from the Internet, which we will consider in more detail. We will talk about trimming floor coverings:

How to quickly make a construction float and save money

A construction float is not an absolutely necessary thing, but it is much more convenient and faster to work with. You can, of course, wrap sandpaper on a wooden block of a suitable size, but it will always slip and crumple. Can,

An idea for putting ceramic tile scraps to good use

What to do with ceramic tiles left after renovation? Disposing of it in a container with household waste and subsequent disposal to a landfill will cause significant damage to the environment, since the decomposition of the tiles will take many, many years. Tile impossible

5 precious tips when working with silicone, glue, sealant

Silicone is widely used in industry, technical equipment, medicine, and also in households for sealing and lubrication. Even utensils are made from food-grade silicone in which food can be prepared without harm to human health. Below

How to build a concrete roof without using mechanical means

The perimeter of the sloping roof can be made of concrete, and this does not require mechanization, expensive materials or special tools.Three or four physically strong people will cope with such work quite quickly and at the same time

How to make warm blocks from sawdust concrete

Such blocks are quite suitable wall material for a warm box, garage, barn and other outbuildings. Purchasing ready-made blocks with delivery outside will cost a pretty penny. But if you are not too lazy, you can make them yourself, and with

New article with life hacks, handmade ideas and secret tips

New article with life hacks, handmade ideas and secret tips. To put it simply – secret advice from “men with hands.” We watch, we learn, we remember.

How to make chic front door slopes from regular laminate

After correct installation of the entrance door, an equally important operation is the installation of slopes, which, along with decorative functions and convenience, give the entrance group a finished look. The master will have to pay a pretty penny for such work.

How to make a laser level from a cheap laser pointer

Instead of purchasing an expensive laser level in a store, such a device can be easily assembled using a household cordless drill, a standard bolt, a piece of mirror and an ordinary laser pointer. And such work is possible

The secret of durability, we build a blind area for centuries

The foundation blind area is a strip made of waterproof material and adjacent to the building along the entire perimeter. It is performed to prevent contact of groundwater, melt and rainwater with the base of the structure. It is important to note that the blind area