How to fix a roofing felt roofing

During strong gusts of wind, it happens that roofing sheets, corrugated sheets, or tiles are torn off the roof. What can we say about simple roofing felt! Especially if mistakes were made during installation - places not glued with bitumen or material not laid tightly were left. In my case, on the wooden roof of the bathhouse, the roofing felt, secured with nails and plastic washers, survived the wind, but was torn by a piece of galvanized sheeting that flew in during that same wind and tore off from the neighboring roof.

Today we’ll look at one of the many ways to repair and glue a torn roofing material flooring on a roof.

Will need

  • Cleaning brush.
  • Bitumen mastic.
  • Furniture, decorative nails (with large heads).
  • Small spatula.
  • Hammer.

Repair of roofing felt roofing

First of all, of course, you need to clean the work surface. Carefully sweep the break area with a brush, as well as UNDER it, as far as the size of the brush allows.

Next, using a small spatula (if you don’t have one on the farm, it won’t take long to make it from a stick and a piece of thick deputy leather), apply a thick layer of bitumen mastic under the torn roofing material.

We do not regret the mastic.Even if it crawls out after gluing the torn parts together, this is only a plus for us; Less will have to be applied in the future. Do not forget to apply mastic under the roofing material around the damage, inside, as far as the length of the spatula allows. So, after applying the mastic, we apply the damaged pieces to each other, as before.

You should not press down or try to smooth it out, otherwise the mastic will come out ahead of time, and we will simply smear our hands during further work. Now it’s time for furniture nails with a hammer.

In increments of 2-3 centimeters, we stitch nails through the entire glued joint, on both sides. Like this:

If the mastic inside has not had time to set, it will crawl out of the joints. This is good, it will be useful to us. After you have nailed the joint, you need to seal it. This time outside. Right on top of the nails. If the mastic that came out of the joints is not enough, then add a little more from the jar and carefully coat the entire seam with a spatula. This is what we end up with:

Of course, no rain or wind is scary after such repairs. Also, it would not be superfluous, after one thing, to walk along the rest of the roof and inspect the entire surface. If there is even the slightest suspicion about the reliability of any other joint, then it is better, of course, to treat it in the same way. And generally speaking; roofing felt roofing is a rather capricious thing. Needs constant inspection and restoration. At least twice a year - in the fall, before the snow, and in the spring, after the snow melts.

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