Quick roof repair in snow and rain

In winter, fused roofs become brittle, which leads to their rapid destruction. Places with intensive ice formation are especially susceptible to this. On roofs, leaks most often occur in areas with drains and ventilation ducts. It is in these places that water constantly thaws and freezes again, which leads to the rapid expansion of microcracks in the roofing carpet.

How to make urgent repairs to a leaking roof

Fixing leaks in built-up roofing using conventional means is quite a difficult task.

To do this, it is necessary to remove water from the damaged area in warm weather or snow in winter, all kinds of contaminants (dust, leaves, etc.) and completely dry the area, otherwise the remaining moisture will destroy the material used for repair when it freezes.

This work can be done in the most unfavorable weather conditions very quickly, without much difficulty, and most importantly reliably and efficiently, using a water-displacing polymer composition "Liquid roofing - Quick repair".

We start by cleaning the problem area of ​​the roof using a shovel and broom.Residual snow and ice can be easily removed with hot water, which can be found in the boiler room or boiled in an electric kettle, or using a boiler.

Drying the damaged area of ​​the roof is not necessary; removing dirty water will suffice. Of course, if there is no ice and no contamination, then the work of roof repair is simplified even more. Moreover, this water-displacing polymer composition Can be applied, along with dry and clean surfaces, to damp and contaminated roofs.

You can work with this polymeric material for roof repair even on a damp surface, as it displaces moisture that remains in the pores and irregularities of the roofing pie. To do this, the liquid composition is poured next to the damaged area and distributed over the damaged area using a hard brush in a layer of one or two millimeters.

As a result polymer composition cracks in the old roofing material are filled, its waterproofing properties are restored and processes of further destruction are prevented. Also, the problem area on the roof is covered with an additional highly elastic protective layer, which has an ultra-high (up to 3 thousand percent) elongation.

The above possibilities for water displacement are due to the fact that this polymer material has wettability indicators that are much higher than those of water. It has pronounced hydrophobic properties, which, in combination with high wettability, leads to the separation of moisture droplets from above the processed material.

All these qualities help the composition to be distributed over the surface, displacing water from it, which rolls into balls like mercury and does not interfere with the processing process. As a result, the treated roof surface is covered with a uniform layer polymer composition.

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