An idea for putting ceramic tile scraps to good use

What to do with ceramic tiles left after renovation? Disposing of it in a container with household waste and subsequent disposal to a landfill will cause significant damage to the environment, since the decomposition of the tiles will take many, many years. The tile cannot be burned and cannot be dissolved in anything. The best option would be to hand over scrap tiles to special enterprises involved in the disposal of ceramic waste. But there is a better way! Use leftover tiles to make garden paths. Let's see.

Where to use leftover tiles

For paths, you can use absolutely any tile: new and used, large and small, wall and floor. Color and texture may also be different. The more variety the better.

For garden paths we will make paving slabs from cement mortar. To do this we need a filling form. Catch a great life hack! A wonderful shape can be made from an old plastic canister. To do this, you need to cut it crosswise, having previously marked it using a tape measure and a square. The thickness of the future tile will be 4 cm. Strips of the appropriate size are cut from the canister.This is what happened.

Ceramic tiles for the future path should be broken into uneven pieces with a hammer. There is no need to grind it too much, just keep it in moderation. The solution is mixed in a ratio of 1 part cement to 2 parts sand. We do not add crushed stone. We lay the molds for future road tiles on a flat surface covered with plastic film. Ceramic tile fragments are randomly laid face down on it. Then the forms are filled with solution. It would be logical to reinforce them with reinforcing mesh. Poured forms should be lightly shaken to distribute the concrete evenly.

After the solution has hardened, remove the plastic molds. This is done very easily, without effort. All that remains is to sand the front side of the resulting tiles with sandpaper and lay them on the garden path.

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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Sergey
    #1 Guest Sergey Guests 1 October 2022 22:09
    I made such tiles, including mosaics. 9 winters later, many pieces of tile have delaminated, crumbled, and we have to fill the holes from the former pieces of tile with mortar. I don't make tiles like this anymore.