Garden. Page 9

Master classes:

A new way to quickly obtain seedlings from any tree

Summer residents and gardeners often want to propagate an existing fruit tree that has proven itself well, but do not have the skills to perform grafting. Actually get new seedlings from the mother apple, pear, peach or any

How to make cement pots for houseplants easily and at almost no cost

Cement pots, compared to plastic or ceramic ones, harmonize better with the flowers and plants planted in them. Anyone can make them, and the money savings are significant if you need a lot of pots on a regular basis.

How to make a powerful submersible pump from PVC pipes

In various situations, it becomes necessary to withdraw large amounts of water from reservoirs. This can be done very quickly if you use a battery-powered submersible pump. It is not difficult to assemble such a pump with your own hands. With its help you can download

Drip irrigation system for 30 days from a plastic bottle

All plants need moisture regularly and in doses. Manual watering requires a lot of effort, time and water.Ready-made drip irrigation systems are expensive and difficult to install and maintain. Believe it or not, automatic watering can be made from ordinary

How to make a hand pump for pumping water out of trash

At home or in the country, you do not always need high flow and pressure of water created using a powerful electric pump. It can be replaced with a manual pump and at the same time save a lot of water and electricity.

Do-it-yourself productive planter for bulbs and seedlings

Many gardeners and gardeners pick seedlings into glasses. When planting, the plants are removed from them along with a cylindrical lump of earth, which is very convenient to plant in holes of the same shape. To do them, special hand tools are sold.

A new way to grow potatoes without weeding and hilling

Many summer residents refuse to grow potatoes, as they require constant care. You not only need to plant it and then harvest it, but in the process you also have to carry out hilling and fight weeds. This planting method will allow

An interesting do-it-yourself feed level indicator in a chicken feeder

Homemade bunker feeders made from plastic sewer pipes are very popular. Due to their capacity, they have to be filled every couple of weeks. Due to the fact that maintenance is rarely required, many people forget to use them on time.

Yeast solution for one-time feeding of tomato seedlings

Strong, powerful tomato seedlings can be grown if you take into account the mineral nutrition of nightshade plants.Even in cases where you use a high-quality substrate rich in humus and minerals to sow seeds

How to make a fence section from chain-link mesh without welding

Chain-link is the cheapest and most common mesh for fences in stores. To make it last longer, it is best to stretch it onto frames made of a profile pipe. This installation method is available not only to those who have a welding inverter. Such

How to make a weed removal tool from fittings and pipes

Weeds in a flower bed, beds or lawn spoil the appearance and interfere with the development of cultivated plants. Pulling them out with your hands is difficult and takes a long time. By making a simple tool for removing weeds, the work can be made much faster and easier.

How to make a mobile garden hose reel from a wheel rim

To prevent the garden hose from lying around the area, and also to remain intact for as long as possible, it is better to store it in the shade wound on a reel. In this case, it ages less, does not shrink or crack. You can make such a hose reel

How to make reinforced concrete pillars and install translucent site fencing

To protect a garden or summer cottage from animals and strangers, they are fenced. The market offers the necessary materials, but at a rather expensive price. To cut costs, you can make some of them yourself without the need for special equipment.

Life hack: how to quickly build a simple greenhouse at the dacha with your own hands

Today I will tell you how you can save money on building a greenhouse.To do this, you just need to go into your shed and look for suitable boards and tools there. We will not buy iron staples. From shopping I had to

Grafting trees with a screwdriver

If the rootstock is thick, you can graft the scion onto it into a hole drilled with a screwdriver or drill. This is a fast and fairly effective method that gives good survival rate. It will allow you to graft new branches even onto the trunk of a grown tree.

Fertilizing garlic in May for a large harvest. Sourdough to improve the microbiological situation in the soil

In cold spring, when the daily temperature does not exceed 12°C throughout April, the first feeding of winter and spring garlic is carried out in May. Since at the beginning of the growing season it is very important to provide the plants with what they need for the development of powerful leaf plates

How gardeners in the 21st century make connection points for a watering hose to a water supply

Many people use a garden hose for watering, washing cars and solving other tasks in the garden. In this case, you have to connect to the water supply using a tap, which often becomes loose over time, and in winter it can even freeze and burst.

Chicken feeder that is filled once a week

To make it easier to keep chickens, you can use hopper feeders, into which feed is poured in large volumes, and then evenly fed to the birds as they eat. The feeder ensures that every grain will be eaten and not spilled under your feet

A curious way to root seedlings from branches in water

Gardeners often seek to propagate successful tree varieties in various ways.Vaccinations, and all other methods, work, but the likelihood of success depends greatly on the timeliness of such actions and the experience of the specialist. The proposed method allows

A cheap and safe method of controlling ants and aphids on trees

Aphids on fruit trees are spread by ants, which carry them along the branches. If you block the access of insects to the crown, it simply does not appear. You can protect your garden from ants not only with poisons, but also with very simple humane

How to make a tool for easy loosening and digging, without putting stress on your back

Many summer residents and gardeners give up their hobby due to back pain when digging and loosening the soil. The size of the plots is often too small to make it worthwhile to buy a tiller for it. To cultivate your land manually and minimally

The simplest drip irrigation from a plastic bottle for a strong harvest

Summer residents, as well as busy gardeners, do not have the opportunity to constantly water their beds. In this case, drip irrigation will help make caring for them easier. For small growing volumes, use professional purchased systems for this.

How to plant potatoes in boxes and collect a bucket from a bush

The plots of many summer residents do not allow planting a lot of potatoes in beds in the traditional way. To harvest large harvests while taking up minimal space, try this growing method. It is painstaking, but the yield per bush

3 options for planting cucumbers in a greenhouse for productivity throughout the season

Greenhouse owners may have noticed that cucumber bushes from the same batch of seedlings, planted at the same time, begin to bear fruit at different times. On some plants the ovary is just beginning to appear, while on others large cucumbers have been plucked for a long time. Precocity in