A curious way to root seedlings from branches in water

Gardeners often seek to propagate successful tree varieties in various ways. Vaccinations, and all other methods, work, but the likelihood of success depends greatly on the timeliness of such actions and the experience of the specialist. The proposed method allows you to root a branch of any bush or tree with 100% probability.

What you will need:

The process of rooting branches in water

On a tree or bush, you need to choose a branch from last year that is not yet covered with hard bark. It is she who will be turned into a seedling, so it is important to ensure that she is even and healthy. At the beginning of the branch, a cut of the bark is made along with several buds. The blade of the knife should go behind the cambium, grabbing part of the hard wood and move from bottom to top. The length of the cut is 3-4 fingers.

Dip the hanging piece of bark into a Zip-Lock bag filled with water.

It is secured to the branch using a nylon tie or rope. The bag must be closed to prevent moisture evaporation.

After 1-2 months, strong roots will grow from the cut. The timing of their appearance depends on the tree on which the seedling is formed, as well as the season. If during the process the water in the bag is already running out, but there is not yet a strong enough root system, then it needs to be topped up.

The formed seedling is cut off from the mother plant with pruning shears slightly below the roots.

The bag and tie are removed.

Then it is planted in the ground. The roots are carefully placed in the hole and sprinkled. They are delicate, so it is important not to damage them.

Since roots grown in water are not yet adapted to receiving nutrients from the soil, to begin with the new plant is watered abundantly. If you start making such layering in the spring, then after transplanting at the beginning of summer the seedling will have time to get stronger by the fall, and will go into winter as a healthy tree.

Watch the video

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