Garden. Page 8

Master classes:

How to make a reliable wood chipper from junk

In garden plots and summer cottages, after pruning trees and thinning bushes, harvesting vegetables, and cleaning the area, a lot of branches, tops and weeds are formed. To dispose of them, there are expensive factory shredders. So as not to waste

How to make a simple fruit picker from high branches from a PET bottle

If you want your fruits to be stored for as long as possible, then you need to pick them especially carefully so as not to damage the skin or drop the fruit. This simple picker made from a plastic bottle will help you carefully collect fruits from the upper branches.

How to make penny paths between beds without grass

Every summer, summer residents have to spend energy not only on caring for the beds, but also the paths between them. They are overgrown with grass and weeds, which, if not removed in time, will simply sow the entire area with their seeds. Once you know this secret, you can

Top 10 mistakes when growing vegetables that can cost you your harvest

Like all gardening, growing vegetables requires experience.And although many vegetable crops are not too demanding, plants can sometimes be very unpredictable. So to help all the new gardeners out there, here are the top 10

How to make concrete paving slabs for the garden with the appearance of paving stones

To organize a path in the garden, it is optimal to lay it out with tiles or stones so that you can walk on a clean, hard surface in any weather. If you want to save a lot, then it is better to cast such tiles yourself. We offer a way to

Scheme for feeding tomatoes during the period of active fruiting for a large harvest

The largest possible tomato harvest can be obtained if you intensively feed the plants in the first phase of active fruiting. The proposed fertilizer application scheme is especially relevant for tall (indeterminate) varieties and hybrids of the crop, but

Automatic waterer for poultry from sewer tees and elbows

Chickens, geese, ducks and other poultry need constant watering. If you simply use bowls or troughs as drinking bowls, you will have to top them up daily. Freeing yourself from these worries is very simple - you just need to spend half an hour and do

We make free, economical drip irrigation from bottles

In hot summers, regular watering from a sprayer is accompanied by high water consumption. In addition, the soil being poured quickly becomes covered with a dry crust, impermeable to the air needed by the roots. Thus, you also have to constantly hill up the beds.

Do-it-yourself cheap watering system from PET bottles

Watering garden beds with a hose and sprayer takes a lot of time, which can be freed up by assembling a cheap, practical irrigation system. If it is available, all watering will be reduced to opening the tap and turning it off after a while. System requires

How to feed cucumbers in mid-summer to increase productivity

According to reviews from experienced summer residents, not only root fertilization of plants, but also the application of nutrient solutions on the leaves helps to get an excellent harvest of cucumbers. Treatment of cucumber vines with microfertilizers containing boron during mass

How to grow tomatoes without a single watering all summer

Not all summer residents have the opportunity to care for their tomato beds every day, or even every weekend. You can still find time for weeding, but often there is simply no time for systematic watering. In this case, the planted tomatoes wither,

How to feed tomatoes in mid-summer for a big harvest

Homemade fertilizers with boric acid and pharmaceutical tincture of iodine are becoming increasingly popular among fans of organic farming. Nutrient solutions with the addition of milk and microelements are prepared in a matter of minutes. They are used in the form

A 100% quick way to obtain seedlings with roots from any tree without grafting in the summer

Summer residents and gardeners often encounter the dishonesty of some sellers of seedlings, who sell completely different varieties of trees under one variety. If you need to propagate a specific variety that is already available on your site, then it is best

An elementary way to automatically supply water to a container for showering or irrigation

Regularly filling a high-mounted barrel for a summer shower with water is not easy, and overflows are possible. But if you make an automatic system for filling and turning off water using components from an old toilet, then all the problems will disappear on their own

3 ideas for using metal barrels for other purposes

Many people have several 100 or 200 liter barrels that sit idle. So that they do not waste useful space on the site, they can be put to good use. Here are 3 great ideas where they can come in handy.

Effective rooting of roses using a plastic bottle

If you have cut roses in your bouquet, or have fresh branches left after pruning the bush, you can turn them into seedlings. It is not at all difficult to germinate cuttings from such material, especially using this method. In just 1 month they will have big

How to make a body for a garden wheelbarrow from a single sheet

A garden wheelbarrow without a cargo capacity in a country house or farmstead is not suitable for anything. It cannot be purchased separately in the store. But it can be made from 1 square meter sheet metal. m, which can be purchased from a thrifty neighbor or at a recycled metal shop.

How to install a faucet into any container with a narrow neck

When it becomes necessary to insert a tap into a container with a narrow neck, difficulty arises because your hand cannot fit into it. As a result, it is not possible to insert the fitting from the inside. There is really no way to solve this in a normal way, but there is a small

Root irrigation system made of PVC pipe with which the tree will grow 3 times faster

Experienced gardeners have noticed that trees of the same variety and age planted in the same year begin to bear fruit at different times. Some have a harvest after 2-3 years, while others don’t even have it after 5 years. It's all about the conditions in which

Water-air method to get a seedling from any young branch in a month

Varietal trees can be propagated without grafting, simply turning excess branches that should be pruned into seedlings. It is so simple and quick that from one mother tree you can make a whole young garden in a season. Try this one

How to turn food waste into extremely useful fertilizer

Not everyone has a compost heap or worm farm in their country house to process food waste from the kitchen. In this case, in order not to accumulate them in a bucket or container, where they will emit an unpleasant odor until they end up in a landfill,

How to make automatic rainwater irrigation without pumps or electricity

If you have a system for collecting water from the roof during rain into a container, for example, a metal barrel, you can create an automatic watering system without using a pump or consuming electrical energy. Any adult can handle this kind of work.

A simple mini grill made from a freon cylinder

Many people cannot imagine outdoor recreation without barbecue or barbecue. When preparing them, purchased compact barbecues are very helpful. Unfortunately, they are made of very thin sheet steel, so they burn out quickly, and in a couple of seasons they become worn out.

How to make an outdoor swing from an old tire and delight the kids

Children love swings, but quality swings are not cheap. How to please the kids without spending too much? It’s very simple: just find an old car tire in the garage or take it from the nearest service station!