How to grow tomatoes without a single watering all summer

Not all summer residents have the opportunity to care for their tomato beds every day, or even every weekend. You can still find time for weeding, but often there is simply no time for systematic watering. In this case, the planted tomatoes wither and eventually dry out or produce a meager harvest. If this problem is familiar to you, then you need to switch to this growing method.

What you will need:

  • Tomato seedlings;
  • hoe.

The process of planting and caring for tomatoes

According to the proposed method, it is optimal to plant tomatoes in moist soil with heavy rain.

A trench is dug under each row of tomatoes using a hoe. The distance between the rows is 60 cm. If the soil is dry, then the dug beds still need to be well filled with water.

Seedlings are planted densely, in increments of 15-20 cm.

After a couple of days, when the seedlings have grown stronger and risen, they need to be earthed up in the same way as potato beds. Soil is poured under the bushes to form a hill. This will promote the growth of roots, so that they can obtain their own moisture.

You only need to hill the beds 3 times after each serious rain, before the bushes become too large. Due to the planting density, they will cover the wet soil with their leaves, reducing evaporation from it. Thus, by hilling, we solve the problem of watering and at the same time fight weeds.

This method really works and the tomatoes feel good. It is important just not to miss the moment while the ground is still wet, and do the hilling, sprinkling moisture under the bushes. You just need to take into account that if your site is not located in a lowland, much less on a slope, then you won’t be able to do it 100% without watering. But hilling will in any case make them less frequent.

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Comments (1)
  1. Irina Baranets
    #1 Irina Baranets Guests 4 July 2021 17:45
    This method is good, but not when it’s “hot” outside at 36*-38*C!