How to feed cucumbers in mid-summer to increase productivity

According to reviews from experienced summer residents, not only root fertilization of plants, but also the application of nutrient solutions on the leaves helps to get an excellent harvest of cucumbers.

Treatment of cucumber vines with microfertilizers containing boron during mass flowering of plants effectively increases the number of ovaries, and therefore ripening gherkins. On such bushes the crop yield increases significantly.

How to properly feed cucumbers with boron?

The easiest way to feed a small cucumber plantation is to use a solution of boric acid, which is sold at any pharmacy. A standard bucket of water requires 2-3 g (half a teaspoon) of boric acid crystals. First, the drug is completely dissolved in a small amount of hot water (100 ml), and only then the resulting concentrate is diluted in settled water.

To enhance the effectiveness of liquid fertilizing, experienced gardeners add whey and alcohol tincture of iodine to the solution. For 10 liters of boric acid solution, take 1 liter of whey and 12-15 drops of pharmaceutical iodine (5%).

The working solution is poured into the bowl of a garden sprayer with a fine nozzle and used to spray cucumber bushes. It is necessary to treat both sides of the leaves, as well as the tips of the shoots, stems, flowers and ovaries.

Greenhouse and greenhouse cucumbers can be irrigated at any time of the day. It is recommended to treat open ground plants either in cloudy weather or in the early morning or evening to prevent sunburn.

It is recommended to carry out 3-4 such feedings over the entire season. The interval between treatments is from 12 to 15 days. The first boron fertilizing is carried out when the bushes bloom en masse.

In addition to cucumbers, other pumpkin crops in open and closed ground respond well to foliar application of the microelement boron: squash, zucchini, pumpkins, as well as nightshade vegetables: eggplant, tomatoes and peppers.

According to experts, the use of foliar fertilizing with nutrient solutions with boric acid leads to an increase in the yield of all vegetables by 10-15%.

Have a good harvest!

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