Garden. Page 2

Master classes:

How to Upgrade a Trimmer to a Push Lawn Mower

When working, a swinging lawn mower has to be suspended almost all the time, which leads to rapid fatigue of almost all the muscles of the body and you have to rest more often, i.e., work becomes unproductive. Turning a rocking tool into a pushing one,

Why do carrots crack or grow “horned”, small and unsweetened? How to prevent the problem

When buying carrot seeds at the beginning of the season, new gardeners are often touched by the colorful photos on the bags. Of course, the root vegetables on them look perfect - bright, smooth and even. Having sowed carrots, everyone expects to get about the same thing.

One of the best ways to preserve garlic without losing its properties for years

Garlic is not only an excellent aromatic seasoning for many dishes, but also an extremely healthy product with unique therapeutic and prophylactic properties. It strengthens the human immune system and prevents many unpleasant and dangerous diseases. His

Why do cucumbers become twisted and how to prevent it?

Gardeners who grow cucumbers know that unfavorable conditions in beds and greenhouses lead to crooked and deformed fruits on vines. Massive appearance of greens on vines with thickenings at the ends or twisted

DIY potato digger from trash

When the rains have passed, it’s cold outside and there’s no desire to pick potatoes by hand, the inventive idea begins to work. Invention of a special addition to the potato-digger. The idea came to mind to use old potatoes to collect dug up potatoes.

How to make a potato digger on a walk-behind tractor

The proposed potato digger, unlike the original version, is made with an adjustable angle of attack of the ploughshare and short rods. As a result, it can work on any soil and provide less resistance. Therefore, the walk-behind tractor can

How to make an auger wood chipper from available materials

Trees and bushes in a yard or summer cottage regularly require care and pruning. The resulting branches and twigs, if you do not dispose of them, will quickly lead the area to an impassable place. To prevent this from happening, you need

All the subtleties of planting garden strawberries in the fall for a big harvest

Strawberries or garden strawberries are grown by summer residents, farmers, and large agricultural holdings. According to experts, it is advisable to change modern industrial varieties of strawberries every 3-4 years. With good care, strawberries are in the same place

An idea for putting ceramic tile scraps to good use

What to do with ceramic tiles left after renovation? Disposing of it in a container with household waste and subsequent disposal to a landfill will cause significant damage to the environment, since the decomposition of the tiles will take many, many years. Tile impossible

Feeding petunias to extend the flowering period in early autumn

Petunias are used by most gardeners in landscaping local areas, summer cottages, garden buildings, verandas, terraces and balconies. These unique annual flowers bloom luxuriantly and profusely until the onset of cold weather. And in order for the plants not

Proper preparation of garlic for long-term storage

The long-known truth that there are no trifles in the cultivation of root crops has not lost its relevance to this day. Summer residents who grow garlic on their plots know that it is not enough to collect a bountiful harvest of juicy marketable bulbs. To

5 extremely useful life hacks for using vinegar in the garden and at home

To prepare a solution for killing weeds, you need to take 1 liter of food vinegar and add a tablespoon of liquid soap or dishwashing detergent to it. Using a sprayer, you need to apply the prepared solution to the weed.

How to make an awesome barbecue from an old sink without much effort and expense

To cook a small package of semi-finished product or several skewers of shish kebab on a large grill, you need to spend a lot of firewood. This is irrational economically and organizationally. For such cases, you can make a compact grill from used

How to make a perpetual trimmer reel

A handheld grass trimmer is a great thing! Reliable engine, good ergonomics, comfortable to work with. Almost all summer residents and gardeners have them. The perfect tool. If not for one weak link... The mowing head.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in August: tricks and stimulating feeding

Midsummer is a long-awaited period for summer residents, because the time has come to reap the fruits of their labor. In many regions, it is at the end of July and August that the mass ripening of natural homemade tomatoes begins. But if the weather is rainy or

As many as 3 ways to freeze blackcurrants for the winter without sugar

Black currants without sugar, prepared for the winter, are a tasty and healthy delicacy. From whole berries you can make jelly, compote, add to porridge, or prepare filling for dumplings and pies. It is better to add grated currants to tea or make a fruit drink.

Life hack for gardeners: Watering from a barrel without a pump

Everything new is well forgotten old. Each of us has used this method at some point. Perhaps for other purposes. Someone was draining gasoline, someone was draining water from an aquarium. Or maybe wine from a large jar so that sediment doesn’t get in. And use this

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes?

In the short summer conditions characteristic of the middle zone, many fruits on tomatoes do not have time to fully ripen. And it doesn’t matter whether your tomatoes grow in the garden or in a greenhouse. Today there are accelerator drugs

How to make ventilation in an outdoor toilet from PVC pipes and forget about unpleasant odors

As a result of the constant and never-ending decomposition of organic residues of human activity, unpleasant odors arise in the street toilet, which cause various negative emotions in people day after day,

How to properly dry strawberries in the oven

Dried strawberries are good for making aromatic tea, homemade baking and as an additive to porridges. If it is not possible to pick wild berries with your own hands, you can replace them with garden strawberries, choosing the least watery ones.

Drip irrigation system in a couple of minutes and at no cost

Many articles have been written and many videos have been filmed about the usefulness and effectiveness of drip irrigation. The main advantage of such a system over watering from a watering can or hose is that the water is supplied directly to the roots of the plant. Without wasting

Great idea: how to make a portable stove out of an old kettle

An old metal kettle, unsuitable for its intended purpose, can be used in another form, for example, as a small portable wood-burning stove at virtually no cost. This does not require special knowledge, professional skills or

Safe and affordable remedies for the Colorado potato beetle

The fight against the Colorado potato beetle takes a lot of effort and time from potato gardeners. Often this battle is lost - it is very difficult to destroy the beetle and its larvae. Pests eat potato leaves at an astonishing rate. Actively

How to get rid of flies and ants in the house with homemade remedies

How intrusive, unpleasant, and downright annoying house flies can be, I think there is no need to remind or explain to anyone. In addition to moral discomfort, these buzzing insects are also carriers of various pathogenic bacteria, and