What to do before parking your car so that there is no ice on the windows in the morning

What to do before parking your car so that there is no ice on the windows in the morning

With the onset of frost, almost every morning before leaving, you have to remove ice from your car windows. The reason lies in the difference in temperature outside and inside the car. If we exclude this factor, then there will be no ice.

What to do to prevent ice dams

When heading to the parking lot, you need to cool down the interior to equalize the temperature with the street temperature. To do this, turn off the stove and open the window slightly.
turn off the stove

open the car window slightly

Once you get to the parking lot, you need to open the doors and trunk so that everything completely cools down.
Open all the car doors

While the interior temperature drops, you can check tire pressure, fluid levels, etc. When everything has cooled down, the machine closes. Since it will already be cold, condensation will not settle on it, and the snow that fell overnight will not melt on the glass, so there will be no ice in the morning.
the snow will not melt on the windows overnight

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Comments (1)
  1. Yuri Fedorovich
    #1 Yuri Fedorovich Guests 4 January 2021 17:07
    In the photo he came to the garage to park his car. The glass in the garage will never become frosty. I park my car in the garage myself.