Garden. Page 16

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Do-it-yourself concrete tabletop is easy

A concrete countertop looks fundamental, but it is too heavy to buy ready-made and then have it delivered. It is optimal to do it locally. If you approach the task with an understanding of the process, then you can easily fill the countertop with your own hands

The beetle won't even fly up to the potato if you prepare this simple remedy.

To get a potato harvest, during the summer you have to treat the bushes with products against the Colorado potato beetle almost every few weeks. From such intensive spraying, the tubers become saturated with excess chemicals, so they become

6 useful tools for your garden with AliExpress

New products come on sale every day, many of which are truly useful. Among them there are also new items for the garden that can make various tasks easier.

How to restore rusty garden shears without disassembly

If optimal care and storage conditions are not maintained, garden pruners become covered with rust. As a result, the tool stops working as it should.Its closed knives do not open under the influence of a spring, so the rust must be removed.

How to make a dryer for vegetables and fruits from a leaky pan

Dried fruits and mushrooms can be prepared very quickly using an electric dryer made with your own hands from an old leaky pan. Assembling it is not at all difficult, since the system consists entirely of ready-made elements.

A spoonful of this affordable remedy and you will forget about ants and mole crickets

Young seedlings often wither and die immediately after planting, which is caused by pests in the soil. They eat up the tender roots, causing the plant to die. To prevent this from happening, you need to scare away the wireworm, mole cricket and others

With such a stuffed PET bottle, birds will not fly within a kilometer of your site

During the ripening season of cherries and strawberries, the garden plot begins to swarm with starlings who try to eat the entire crop. To protect your garden from them, you need to make a scarecrow that can repel pests.

How to quickly weld a hose reel from old car parts

To make sure your garden hose lasts longer, it needs to be stored correctly. For this, it is advisable to have a coil. It will allow you to wind it up without any creases or twists, so that in the future it can be placed under a canopy where it will not be exposed to

We destroy ants with an extremely simple method

In the spring, while the soil is loose, ants often begin to colonize the beds, which is fraught with infection of the seedlings with various diseases, as well as gnawing on the crop.In this regard, it is necessary to get rid of anthills as early and radically as possible. This can be done

How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

One of the most effective sprinklers in terms of area coverage and droplet size are snails. However, they are made of such poor plastic that the device often does not even survive until the end of the season. In this regard, it is much better to do

How to make a simple berry bird repeller

Starlings and other birds are one of the main pests for the garden, as they raid berry bushes and fruit trees. They peck at the crop, making it inedible. The only way to combat this is

With this tool you can forget about a shovel for digging.

If you have to dig up your garden by hand every fall, you should make a wide ripper. It will allow you to reforge the area many times faster and easier than it can be done with a shovel. When working with such a tool, the back is less strained. Besides this, after

How to get rid of wireworms forever, simply and without chemicals

If there are wireworms on the site, potatoes and carrots suffer greatly. This pest gnaws through root crops, resulting in a significant portion of the crop becoming inedible. It is also detrimental to young seedlings. Therefore, in early spring, or

How to make imitation flat cobblestones from cement

Large cobblestones are used to make walking garden paths and recreation areas. However, finding or buying such a stone is not so easy or prohibitively expensive, so it is easier to imitate it with concrete.It is not difficult, and the result will exceed all expectations.

6 Free Garden Tools Made from Milk Bottles

For gardening, you can make homemade tools and other tools from milk bottles. This will allow you to acquire the necessary equipment for free, and in addition, use plastic for good, rather than send it to a landfill.

How to organize automatic watering yourself

Summer residents, who have the opportunity to visit the plot only once a week, often find their beds in a deplorable state, since they need more frequent irrigation. This problem can be solved by installing automatic drip irrigation.

How to make a sprinkler with a large watering radius from PVC pipes

To organize uniform watering of the lawn, you need to use several sprinklers with a small coverage, or one with a large one. The use of the latter is preferable, since it is easier to install, and moreover, a shorter length is used for its connection

We drive ants out of the greenhouse in 5 minutes with an extremely simple method

Having noticed an anthill in a greenhouse, you need to get rid of it urgently, as the ants will destroy the crop. They not only chew vegetables, but also plant aphids, which will kill the plants even faster than they do. You can expel the entire anthill by dousing it with a special

We remove mole crickets from the site 100% free

Well-fertilized beds and vegetable gardens often harbor mole crickets. She eats potatoes, carrots, beets and other root vegetables. It also affects young trees, whose roots it gnaws. In this regard, at the first sign of a mole cricket from her

A way to rid your garden of ants forever

Ants in normal quantities are beneficial for the soil and plants, as they contribute to its aeration and produce formic acid. However, if there are too many of them, they begin to gnaw the crop, and in addition they infect the plant with aphids. In such

How to build a cheap large pool from pallets in 1 day

When spending your summer vacation at your dacha, it’s not a bad idea to have your own swimming pool on the property. At first glance, building such a structure is not cheap and requires months of manual labor. In fact, you can make a large pool with your own hands in 1

How to quickly heat a pool using a car radiator

Each of you can make an incredibly simple and extremely effective pool heating installation from almost any radiator of any car brand. Everything comes together in 20-30 minutes without any problems. All components can be found in your

How to make a garden windmill from a plastic bottle

Colored plastic bottles make very beautiful and fast garden windmills. The shape of the bottle allows the formation of wide blades that react even to light winds.

How to make a trap for small rodents from a PVC pipe

To rid an area of ​​unwanted visitors such as rats, squirrels or hares, you can use a humane trap to catch them. It allows you to catch an animal without harming it, and then release it somewhere far away.