How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

One of the most effective sprinklers in terms of area coverage and droplet size are snails. However, they are made of such poor plastic that the device often does not even survive until the end of the season. In this regard, it is much better to make a homemade sprinkler that works on a similar principle. To do this, you will need a used ball joint from the car.
How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint


  • spherical bearing;
  • old inner tube from a pneumatic wheel;
  • thin sheet metal;
  • welding elbow;
  • adapter fitting for garden hose.

Sprinkler manufacturing process

To make the sprayer, you need to disassemble the ball joint. Its halves are joined together by spot welding. To disassemble, drill out the metal at the welding points and then split them with a chisel.
How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

From the old chamber it is necessary to cut 2 gaskets to the size of the split halves of the ball joint. If there is no camera, instead of homemade rubber gaskets, in the future you can get by with silicone sealant.However, when using the latter, the sprayer can only be used after the sealant has dried, which will take a day.
How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

Next, you need to make a swirling flow membrane from thin sheet steel. It is cut in the same shape as the supports. The membrane differs from rubber gaskets in the absence of a large central hole. Instead, 2 holes are drilled in it with an 8 mm drill. Then they bend in different directions. To do this, a twig or punch is inserted into the hole, then it is pressed against the membrane so as to bend its metal. As a result, the hole becomes deformed and becomes similar to the tooth of a kitchen grater. It is important to make bends in different directions so that the water flow passes through the membrane with a swirl.
How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

A hole is drilled in the ball joint cap with a hemisphere in the center using an 8 mm drill. Then the structure is assembled. A gasket, a membrane, and a second gasket are placed between the halves of the ball joint, and everything is securely bolted together.
How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

An elbow with a fitting for a garden hose is welded to the entrance to the sprayer. The sprinkler is then mounted on a pole and connected to the water supply.
How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

If the pressure in the system allows, then in the future it will be possible to drill the outlet hole from 8 mm a little larger to increase the watering speed.
How to make a trouble-free irrigation sprinkler from a ball joint

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