
Master classes:

Amazing ideas, non-standard use of PP pipes

We cover a plastic pipe of the required diameter with copper wire and make a loop. Bend the ends in the direction opposite to the loop 90 degrees. We press the ends against the heating plate of a welding machine for plastic pipes. We exhibit

Attachment for cutting tall grass with a trimmer

It is difficult to mow tall and thick grass with a brush cutter and a cutting tool made from a reel with wound fishing line, since the grass is wound around the reel and it gets jammed. Therefore, it will have to be dismantled.

How to make a convenient tool box from PVC pipe

As the basis of the tool box, we will take a PVC pipe with a diameter of 89 mm and a length of 32 cm. We draw a generatrix on its side surface. On a sheet of A4 paper, measure 13 cm along the long side. Apply the marked sheet to the generatrix on

How to make a shower system from PP pipes

We unscrew the flexible hose from the mixer and, turning it around the longitudinal axis 180 degrees in any direction, tighten the cold and hot water union nuts.In this case, the mixer fitting will be on top. We will need a PN20 polypropylene pipe,

How to make a sprinkler for watering a garden. Doesn't clog or break

In the summer heat, plants in the country or even the grass on the lawn near the house quickly burn out without regular and sufficient watering. Let's look at how to organize it without wasting water and at the same time protecting plants from burning out under the scorching rays of the sun.

Great idea from an old car tire: a mobile vise

A bench vise is considered a stationary tool. But sometimes moving it makes the work easier and easier. Any person can make a mobile vice without loss or limitation of functionality, and this does not require expensive materials and

How to make a side folding ladder

The need for a side folding ladder along the wall arises where there is little space and you have to use it from time to time. The number of steps and their sizes are determined by the total height of the staircase and its horizontal projection.

How to make slate with high performance characteristics from leftover PVC pipes

If after laying or reconstructing communications there are pieces of plastic pipes left, then they can also be put to use, transforming them into something useful and necessary for the household or summer cottage.

Space eggs for Easter. Simple and uniquely beautiful

Most families make beautiful, bright, colored eggs on Easter Sunday. Even in those where people do not consider themselves believers.There are many options for coloring - the usual “old-fashioned” methods with beet or onion peels, using

How to make a hand-held circular saw from a grinder using simple and affordable materials

This transformation of the grinder allows it to be equipped with the functions of a portable circular saw with an adjustable depth of cut depending on the thickness of the wooden workpieces. Almost any adult who knows how to do this can cope with such work.

How to make a scratching post and train an animal to use it

It becomes very unpleasant and annoying if our clawed and impudent pet begins to tear up wallpaper and furniture. But this procedure cannot be avoided if life without this cute little animal is unthinkable for you. Especially in the spring, when molting begins. Here without

How to make self-hardening clay for home crafts

This homemade clay for modeling, unlike other recipes, in particular paper clay, without increasing the cost and without increasing the labor intensity of preparation, is very convenient to use, because it ideally holds and retains its shape, very thinly

How to make your own riveter

Like all tools, a factory manual riveter wears out over time and becomes unsuitable for further work. Should I buy a new one? But this is a considerable expenditure of money! Therefore, let’s make it with our own hands from scrap materials and continue

How to Make Extremely Handy Chain Pliers from Easy to Find Materials

Some round threaded connections (pipes and fittings, oil filters, large caps on containers, etc.)d.) difficult to unscrew and tighten securely due to the lack of suitable tools. In such situations, a universal

How to make a wooden bathtub heated from a wood boiler

Using appropriate woodworking equipment, we obtain edged beams from logs, which we cut into edged boards, carefully planed on all sides. We join the boards together using the “groove and tongue” method and cut out the round bottom using a hand router,

How to restore threads in a housing using a screwdriver

Often, in case parts made of aluminum alloys, due to inaccurate alignment of the parts being connected or simply a lack of skill, threaded holes are damaged when screwing in fastening bolts or studs. Restore the damaged

How to cut a keyway without special equipment

One of the common methods of transmitting force in the form of torque from the drive shaft to the pulley is using a keyed connection. If the pulley is machined, then it is necessary to cut a keyway inside

How to make a reusable wine bottle stopper

To properly implement our idea, we will need a standard sealed glass bottle of wine and a regular PET bottle with a thin neck. As a result, we will be able to store the wine much longer than the time indicated on the label after its

How to make a winch from available materials

In a home workshop, a small cable winch with a gear drive for lifting and lowering loads would be quite useful.It will save a lot of effort and time. It can be made from the simplest and most affordable materials and parts. And with such

How to make a trench shovel from junk. Fast trench digging is guaranteed

Digging a trench for laying pipes in the ground with an ordinary bayonet shovel is not very rational. The trench turns out to be too wide, the volume of excavation work increases, unnecessary physical effort is wasted, etc. If you make a special shovel, which

How to make a Christmas tree toy “Bell” from paper

One of the simplest forms for making a New Year's toy from papier-mâché is a bell. The base can be the top of a half-liter plastic bottle, the neck of which is carefully cut off to make it easier to remove the paper blank from

How to equip a walk-behind tractor with the function of a 220 V generator

It is known that electric machines have the principle of reversibility. It is quite possible to make a generator from an old electric motor and use it for your household needs. This article talks about how an old induction motor and

How to make a small and elegant Christmas tree

A small papier-mâché Christmas tree can be made in a couple of days: one day will be needed to make the paper blank and dry it, and one day to paint and decorate.

Christmas ball from egg packaging

A beautiful handmade New Year's toy is not cheap, but you can make it yourself. When you combine the papier-mâché technique and the technique of decoupaging products with napkins, you get quite decent Christmas tree decorations even with no experience.