How to make a convenient tool box from PVC pipe

Making a tool box with your own hands

As the basis of the tool box, we will take a PVC pipe with a diameter of 89 mm and a length of 32 cm. We draw a generatrix on its side surface. On a sheet of A4 paper, measure 13 cm along the long side.

We apply the marked sheet to the generatrix on the surface of the pipe, measure 13 cm on both sides and connect them with a straight line.

We measure 2 cm from the ends of the pipe and, using a split ring, connect the generatrices on the side surface of the pipe with closed lines.

Using a Dremel and a diamond cutting wheel, we cut out the opening along the lines drawn. Using a knife, we correct the corners, round off sharp edges and remove burrs. On a piece of plastic sheet with a minimum size of 12 × 25 cm, draw 2 circles along the inside of the rings with a diameter of 89 mm and cut out the resulting circles.

We cut rings 1 cm wide in the transverse direction with scissors. We insert them into the pipe and mark the shortening lines to ensure their connection without gaps at the ends of the pipe using vinyl glue. Then we close the ends of the pipe from the inside with the two previously cut circles.

Now, using a piano loop 27 cm long, we will put the fragment in place, closing the opening with it. We draw a straight line along the surface of the cut fragment at a distance of 2 cm from one edge and fix one half of the loop along it with superglue.

On the sides of the opening in the pipe from the inside, we glue one plastic plate measuring 2 × 28 cm in the longitudinal direction so that they protrude outward by about 1 cm. We drill holes in the fragment, focusing on the hinge holes with a mini-diamond drill, and screw in the screws.

We lay the second half of the loop on the surface of the pipe, also drill holes and secure with screws. Now we have a lid that covers the opening. If necessary, the lid can be folded back and tools can be taken out.

At a distance of 3 cm from the side ends of the opening, we attach spring-loaded latches using the same screws. As a result, in the closed position, the lid, thanks to the loop and latches, is rigidly attached to the pipe and is practically one piece with it.

We begin to make a handle for our tool box from a PVC pipe with a diameter of 22 mm and a length of 40 cm. Using a hairdryer, we heat sections 14 cm long on each side of this pipe. Then we flatten them using a rigid metal sheet, pressing it with the force of our hands.

We bend the flattened sections of the pipe 90 degrees in one direction, warming the transition points with a hairdryer. We measure 2 cm from the rotation of the flattened sections and after warming up, turn them 90 degrees outward again using pliers.

We measure 4 cm from the last turns, cut off the excess and round the ends. We cut out 2 shaped legs from plastic plates and glue them symmetrically to the sides of the pipe in the lower part in relation to the opening, reinforcing them with two gussets each.

We paint the visible part of the loop white and the handle black. In the center of the lid in the transverse direction we attach stickers in the form of red stripes 7 mm wide parallel to each other and cut off the excess ends.

We fasten the handle with screws, having previously drilled the corresponding holes, in the top center of the lid in the longitudinal direction.

Now in such an organizer it is very easy and convenient to store and carry tools.

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