Great tool box made from a plastic canister

Craftsmen know how important it is to have tools at hand, and not constantly search for them at the workplace. The optimal optimization assistant is a special toolbox. But not everyone can afford to buy a factory one - such a product is quite expensive. In addition, it is better to have not one large box, but several small ones. An excellent way out is to make them from an ordinary plastic canister.
Great tool box made from a plastic canister

What to prepare

All work is carried out with a screwdriver with a drill with a diameter of approximately 10 mm, a grinder with a metal stone, and a marker. The drawer handle is wrapped with electrical tape.

How to make a box

Make markings on the canister.
Great tool box made from a plastic canister

The handle is located on the side edge, the handle is approximately 5 cm wide (2 cm wider than the vertical sections). The fact is that in the future, to increase the bending strength, the horizontal platform of the handle is bent.
The height of the box is approximately 10–15 cm, but this parameter can be adjusted taking into account the characteristics of the tools. If they are bulky and light, then it is recommended to increase the depth of the box. In this case, you need to leave such a gap between the handle and the sides so that the tools fit into it.
Use a screwdriver to drill technological holes at the turning points. The grinder disc cannot cut steep transitions.
Great tool box made from a plastic canister

Cut and remove unnecessary elements of the box. Cut carefully and carefully, follow safety regulations.
Great tool box made from a plastic canister

Remove the burrs and start shaping the handle.
Great tool box made from a plastic canister

To do this, its side platforms are bent upward and create vertical load-bearing elements.
Great tool box made from a plastic canister

Secure the desired position with electrical tape. Try to keep the side edges vertical, this will increase the stability of the handle when moving the box.
Great tool box made from a plastic canister

Trim sharp corners with a mounting knife, remove burrs after cutting with a grinder.
It is much more convenient to use the box if small items are not lying around at the very bottom, but are stored separately in an easily accessible place. To do this, you need to install a special compartment in the side; a piece of plastic window sill is very suitable for this purpose. It has partitions, the dimensions of which allow you to place not only pencils and felt-tip pens, but also other small tools and devices.
Great tool box made from a plastic canister

Using a grinder, cut the workpiece to the size of the box.
Great tool box made from a plastic canister

Attach it to the side surface using self-tapping screws.
Great tool box made from a plastic canister

The box is ready, put your tools and use it.
Great tool box made from a plastic canister


If the tools are quite heavy, then you need to put a piece of metal rod or round stick in the handle before winding the tape. It will not bend when carrying the box, and this greatly increases the ease of use of the device.
Great tool box made from a plastic canister

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Comments (1)
  1. Stepan
    #1 Stepan Guests 2 February 2020 17:23
    And a flashlight in a traffic jam...for basement work.