How to make a manual pipe bender from an old bearing and a piece of pipe

You can buy factory pipe benders in the store, but they are expensive and not always reliable. On the Internet they offer entire machines for bending pipes, the production of which requires a lot of time and various materials and products. Meanwhile, it is possible to make a very simple, but durable and powerful pipe bender, for assembly of which you only need an old ball bearing, a piece of pipe and a short metal strip. Any adult who knows how to handle a grinder and a welding machine can make such a pipe bender.

Will need

Materials and tools:

  • a piece of pipe with a diameter of 38 mm and a length of 1400 mm;
  • old ball bearing with a 95 mm mounting hole;
  • eyelet made of strip with clearance dimensions of 35×40 mm;
  • pipes for bending;
  • grinder with cutting disc;
  • welding equipment.

The process of making a reliable manual pipe bender from an old bearing and pipe

It is not at all difficult to manufacture the proposed pipe bender in a very short time. To do this, it is enough to stock up on a piece of pipe with a diameter of 38 mm and a length of 1400 mm. Of course, the pipe can be longer, which will make bending easier, since the leverage of applying forces increases.

The next element for our pipe bender is an old ball bearing. The outer ring, separator and balls are removed as unnecessary. In the inner ring with a diameter of 95 mm, cut out a fragment with a length equal to or slightly greater than the diameter of the pipe.

We put the inner ring of the bearing with a slot on the end of the pipe until the upper part of the ring rests against the end of the pipe with its inner side. In this position, we weld the split ring of the old bearing to the pipe. In this case, the treadmill of the ring will serve as a groove for fixing and holding the bent pipe in the required plane.

We weld a metal plate bent into a bracket on top of the bearing ring at an angle to the pipe. In light, the dimensions of the bracket are 35×40 mm. It is necessary to transfer the bending force created by hands to the deformed pipe.

The pipe bending process is quite simple. We insert the end of the deformable pipe along the groove of the bearing ring into the bracket to the point of bending and apply force to the pipe, which acts as a lever. As a result, the force of the hands and the weight of a person is transferred through the bracket to the deformable pipe, and it bends.

If the bent end of the deformable pipe turns out to be too short, then you can put a piece of pipe of a larger diameter on it so that you can press the specified end to the ground with your foot.

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