How to perfectly cut a pipe at right angles

To ensure an accurate and high-quality connection by tapping two pipes of the same diameter at an angle of 90 degrees, it is necessary to give the edge of the pipe being tapped one specific configuration and then use it to establish the shape of the hole in the pipe into which the tapping takes place.

How to perfectly cut a pipe at a right angle using a simple sheet of paper and a grinder with your own hands

To do this, place the embedded pipe vertically on a regular sheet of paper, trace its outer contour with a marker and cut out a paper circle along it with scissors.

We fold a circle of paper in half, mark the ends of the fold line with a marker and draw a straight line, which in our case coincides with the diameter of the circle.

We place a paper circle on the end of the embedded pipe and transfer the ends of the diameter to the side surface of the pipe blank.

Next, divide the diameter of the paper circle into 3 equal parts. In our case, the diameter is 45 mm, which means the distances between the points should be the same and equal to 15 mm.

Next, we fold the paper circle along these three marks transversely to the diameter and get a three-layer plate.We unfold it, mark the ends of the fold lines, draw parallel straight lines and cut off a sector from the paper circle along one of the lines (chord).

We fold the resulting paper sector in half, then unbend it, mark the ends of the fold line, and draw a straight line through them. We apply the paper sector to the side surface of the pipe so that the chord coincides with the edge of the pipe, and the middle line (the height of the sector) matches one of the marks on the pipe.

Holding the paper segment in the indicated position on the pipe, trace the arc of the segment on the side surface of the pipe with a marker. We do the same on the opposite side of the pipe, focusing on the second mark placed on the pipe earlier.

The ends of the arcs of the segments applied to the pipe are slightly rounded to form a smooth transition of the cutouts to the end of the pipe.

We clamp the pipe in a bench vise and use a grinder to cut out the metal along the smooth lines drawn on the side surface of the pipe.

We place the figured end of the embedded pipe on the side surface of the second pipe and draw a marker around the contact contour of the two connected pipes. We cut out the metal within the drawn contour, grind the edges of the hole and install the shaped end of the attached pipe on it.

We carefully and efficiently weld the smooth mating line of the pipe blanks around the entire perimeter and obtain a tight, durable and aesthetic connection of two pipes of the same diameter exactly at an angle of 90 degrees.

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Comments (1)
  1. guest
    #1 guest Guests March 26, 2023 07:10
    To perfectly cut a pipe AT ANY ANGLE and even of different diameters, you need a strip of corrugated cardboard and several electrodes or pieces of wire. and also knowledge of the school geometry course.