Lifehacks and useful tips. Page 28

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How to fillet almost any fish simply and quickly - universal step-by-step instructions

How to fillet fish quickly and easily? Just ten minutes of your time and a sharp knife are enough! Even a novice cook can handle this process. For cutting fish, it is best to choose a sharp and thin knife.

5 useful ideas for the kitchen

To organize convenient work in the kitchen, you can use several tricks. Let's look at 5 ideas that will solve some kitchen problems and difficulties for free.

How to move a large cabinet and its contents alone

Very often, when renovating, it is necessary to rearrange furniture from one place in the room to another. Moving a large cabinet is extremely problematic even for two people, let alone one person. But there is a little trick that will help you alone

How to wash a foam gun for pennies? Let's make a useful device

Polyurethane foam today has become a permanent attribute of builders involved in installing windows, doors, etc. In the household, it is needed from time to time, which is why the problem of foam drying inside the gun arises. As a result, use it

An effective homemade kitchen utensil cleaner

With the huge busyness of modern women at work, all housewives are familiar with the situation when there is simply not enough time to thoroughly clean the dishes every day. As a result, pots, lids, teapots, duck pots and frying pans become

How to cut a circle out of glass

In a household, the need for round glass can be very different: for example, to replace cracked glass on some device, to make a round mirror, to make a disk for a sharpening machine, to glaze a fragment of a window frame, to cut

How to quickly clean the hood grille

The decorative grille of the hood above the stove becomes heavily contaminated with grease in just a couple of weeks of intensive cooking. It is not so easy to wash it, so many people put off this process until it is easier to change the grille than to clean it. However there is

We say to the condensate: Farewell! Or how to permanently get rid of fogging of plastic windows

Modern plastic windows, despite their good quality, can fog up in the cold season for several reasons. This, for example, is caused by the installation of cheap single-chamber packages, a very wide window sill, which impedes circulation

How to beautifully cut an egg without a figured knife

You can and should decorate holiday salads. These are the privileges of not only restaurant dishes; you can create such beauty with your own hands without the use of special figured knives. Salads decorated with curly cuts always look much more appetizing and

How to simply solder aluminum tightly with regular solder

Soldering aluminum with standard solder using conventional technology is unreliable and impossible. The tin on it rolls into a ball, not wanting to stick, and if it does stick, the result is a weak connection that breaks under the slightest load. To

How to soften butter in just a couple of minutes

Before making a sandwich, we usually take the butter out of the refrigerator (sometimes from the freezer). Cutting such butter is not easy and sometimes even impossible, and spreading it on soft, fresh bread is almost impossible. You can try to put it in

How to easily remove limescale from a watering can in just a few minutes

To remove limescale from your shower head, you don’t need to buy expensive chemicals and spend a huge amount of time on the removal process. All you need is 100-200 grams of vinegar, which any housewife has, and

8 interesting ways to open a bottle without a corkscrew

8 extremely interesting ways to open a bottle without using a corkscrew. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with all of them, since I am sure that you did not know at least half of them, and, perhaps, did not even know about their existence.

We easily remove many years of carbon deposits from a frying pan.

Any utensils can be cleaned of carbon deposits and other contaminants manually, using various tools, using household chemicals, heating over a fire, etc. Some of them require a lot of physical effort, others require money, others require

10 useful vinegar-based life hacks

Vinegar is available in every home. It is used as a seasoning, pickling agent, etc. But without exaggeration, this cheap and widely available liquid can be called universal. It can be successfully used for cleaning, healing, care

3 ways to cut a profile pipe straight

Most amateur craftsmen do not have a miter saw, so they cut the profile pipe using a grinder. This is an imprecise tool and often produces uneven cuts, especially if there is no angle available to mark the cut line.

Does the jigsaw cut crookedly? There is a simple solution

If an electric jigsaw moves to the side when cutting and the cut is made at an angle, then it is not necessary to return it to the store or start disassembling it to find out and eliminate the cause. This may take a long time, lead to new defects or

How to use silicone sealant from a tube without a gun

Typically, the sealants that we use in everyday life are packaged in hard plastic or metal containers and inserted into a special gun, which, when the trigger is pulled, is squeezed out of the tube. But how to use the remedy if under

How to remove dried cap from a tube nozzle and reuse the nozzle

If the silicone or liquid nails remaining in the can are not reliably isolated from contact with air, then they dry out in the cone of the plastic nozzle and form a very strong plug that cannot be squeezed out with any gun. Reuse them

Lifehack for quickly removing any traces of stickers

I suggest you get acquainted with a quick and easy way to remove any marks from any stickers. This life hack can be called safe, since chemistry is not involved in this method at all, which is sometimes extremely important.

An easy way to repair a cracked shovel handle

The very first thought when a shovel handle cracks is to replace it. This is the ideal solution, but due to laziness or attachment to the old cutting, it can be reliably repaired in 5 minutes. If there are remains of water plastic pipes, do not even

How to open a bottle with a lighter, the most elegant way

This interesting method can be used not only when you don’t have a corkscrew at hand, but also to surprise your friends and acquaintances. All you need to have to open a bottle is a simple pocket gas lighter. And if

How to make a snow shovel from PVC pipe that will be stronger than a store-bought one

It is very convenient to use a plastic shovel to remove snow because it is lightweight and the snow does not stick to it. However, it is almost impossible to find a high-quality tool in a store that would serve well for at least a couple of seasons.But there is a way out, having

How to solder aluminum for centuries without a special flux

The surface of aluminum is covered with an oxide film, which interferes with soldering. Even if the solder sticks, under load everything falls off. The problem is partially solved by the use of specialized fluxes and solders, but there is also a simpler one