Lifehacks and useful tips

An old chair broke - are you going to throw it out? The boots have holes - and so do they? Stop! There's no need to rush. In our section "Useful tips"You will learn how you can extend the life of old things with your own hands, without workshops. Some of them, in their updated form, will also become a source of pride for their owners.

By using useful tips, collected especially for you, you can make repairs in your apartment or country house, saving your family budget and precious time as much as possible. Repairing clothes at home, getting rid of fungus indoors, defrosting the refrigerator correctly - we want to share these and other tricks with you.

The secrets of our grandmothers and the original “inventions” of our contemporaries will help you make a stylish little thing from old scraps of fabric that you won’t be ashamed to give as a gift. And there is no need to buy educational toys in a store: if they are made by hand, they will retain positive energy and will be stored much more carefully by children.

Very useful and free tips for people of any age will help you avoid annoying mistakes, maintain a good mood and give impetus to further creative ideas.You can also share them with us. It’s not for nothing that people say about two heads, which are always better than one.

Master classes:

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode without much effort

Before the onset of winter cold, plastic windows must be switched from summer to winter mode, otherwise cold air will penetrate into the room through the gaps between the sash and the frame. Previously, windows were insulated with flax tow, the cracks were plugged with cotton wool, and

Hang a lemon on the tap and you will be forever grateful

The usual routine cleaning of faucet screens from limescale is labor-intensive, painstaking and time-consuming. But such work must be carried out periodically and more often, the harder the water in the water supply system.

How to put leftover foam to good use

Remains of polystyrene foam of various origins should not be thrown away. They will be useful for useful use in the household. But first you need to find out what and how they dissolve.

How to easily wash a 20 liter bottle of dirt and greenery

It is not so easy to clean a 20-liter bottle from the inside of dirt and greenery until it shines, since it has a narrow neck and you cannot stick your hand inside. But don't despair. There is a simple way to do this easily, quickly and efficiently.

How to make a stationary dispenser from a regular bottle

Typically, an emptied detergent or liquid soap dispenser goes straight into the trash bin.But it is better to unscrew the dosing mechanism, carefully cut off the threaded neck from the container and remove the standard dispenser tube. By using

12 awesome life hacks for the techie

How to stud rubber using bolts and nuts. We make blind holes in the tread blocks (blocks) to a given depth. We clamp the bolt in the drill chuck and screw the heads into the holes. We put washers on the bolts and tighten the nuts with a wrench.

Testing a home-grown preparation for glass lids

Sometimes it’s impossible to clean them until they shine. Nasty dirt manages to get under the very rim so that at first it is difficult to notice, then it is not easy to get rid of it. In addition, you don’t want to use products that are oversaturated with chemicals.

How to transfer an image to any wooden surface

How to use a regular laser printer to accurately transfer printed images onto any wooden surface with your own hands Having a regular laser printer at your disposal, it will not be difficult to transfer printed images

Quickly cut sprat without touching it with your hands

The edible part of sprat, as is known, is only the fillet, which is usually separated with a knife, which is not entirely convenient, given the small size of this type of fish.

Life hack: how to protect bicycle wheels from punctures

A bicycle wheel puncture is not uncommon during its operation.Moreover, more often this does not happen from hitting a nail, self-tapping screw, screw or other sharp metal object, but from small pointed materials such as wood thorns, broken fragments

We use the tool 100%. Unobvious functions that not everyone knows about

An impact screwdriver, the butt of which fits a wrench, allows you to unscrew tightly tightened screws and screws due to the fact that when the impact screwdriver works together with a wrench, the torque increases. Serves the same purpose

How to use a utility knife to open a lock if you lose your keys

The fatalism of losing the keys to a padlock can be completely eliminated with the help of an ordinary stationery knife, or rather, its segmented blade, which is first annealed in the flame of a lighter.

How to make toilet bowl cleaner from soap

Grind a piece of laundry soap weighing 300 grams on a grater and pour the resulting crushed mass into a pan. We also add to it any liquid detergent for cleaning floors or other surfaces in an amount of about 300 grams.

How and with what to easily drill a knife blade made of hardened steel

Hardened steel is characterized by great strength and hardness, so its machining will require tools that are noticeably superior to this metal in terms of the specified characteristics. Only drills made of hard alloys are suitable,

How to clean a window sill from dirt, glue, yellowness and other contaminants

White window sills look very beautiful and add more light to the room. But everyone knows how difficult it is to wash them, especially if there are potted flowers on the surface. How to easily clean a white window sill from dirt, dust, smudges, yellow spots, marks

How to sharpen meat grinder knives to razor sharp condition

If the knives of a manual meat grinder become dull, then obtaining minced meat turns into hard and lengthy physical labor, because instead of cutting the meat, the tool crushes and crushes it. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly and quite often clean the knives of veins and films.

How to restore plastic products using cable ties

If the plastic is cracked, then there is no need to immediately run to the store and buy a new part. Firstly, it can be very expensive (for example, a car bumper), and secondly, it cannot be found if it is a product from previous years of production. But it can be restored using available

12 crafts and tips from masters on how to get out of a difficult situation

If you drill a through hole in the center of the pliers in front of the hinge, then with its help it will be easy and convenient to cut rod parts such as nails, rods, knitting needles, etc., the diameter of which does not exceed the diameter of the hole drilled in the pliers

Cleaning the oven easily, an effective way

If you often use an oven, then you are familiar with the problem of scale and grease that forms not only on the bottom, but also on the walls. If you also don’t like to scrub your oven for a long time until it shines and want to find the easiest and most affordable way, be sure to

3 tricks for tightening a wire clamp

In the household or workplace, sometimes there is no standard clamp at hand to securely secure the hose to the pipe for supplying water for certain needs. In this case, you can use simple and inexpensive materials and

6 plumbing tricks

Using a machine for welding plastic pipes, we connect a plastic pipe with a coupling, the outer diameter of which is obviously larger than the diameter of the pipe. Taking into account the height of the union nut, we cut off most of the coupling with a hacksaw, and the remainder will serve as a collar,

How to clear snow from a high roof with an ordinary rope alone

A large amount of snow mass on the roof of a house, domestic premises or carport increases the load on the roof structure and can lead to its deformation or even partial or complete collapse. To prevent such

Homemade hand wash solution

When you do a little laundry, you don’t want to force the washing machine to work almost idle. But I’m not eager to work with my hands either. I prefer a simpler recipe, which will play the role of a lifesaver in such cases.

How to hang a picture without drilling, nails or screws

Is it possible to hang a picture on the wall of an apartment without using a drill, hammer drill and screws? There is such a method.