How to make toilet bowl cleaner from soap

How to make a toilet freshener cleaner

Grind a piece of laundry soap weighing 300 grams on a grater and pour the resulting crushed mass into a pan.

We also add to it any liquid detergent for cleaning floors or other surfaces in an amount of about 300 grams.

Mix these 2 ingredients thoroughly and place on a gas stove over medium heat. At the same time, do not forget to constantly stir the contents of the pan. After some time, the mixture will begin to become sticky.

This acquired property signals that the ingredients have fully combined with each other and the pan can be removed from the heat. We spread the resulting mass into a mold, having previously covered it with cling film.

We level the binary mix into a flat layer of uniform thickness and leave it for a while until it hardens completely. After a few hours, hardening occurs and the film can be removed.

The resulting layer is cut into thin strips and stored in a tin can.

Because the strips are very sticky, they stick securely to the inside surface of the toilet with light pressure from your fingers.

Moreover, each time water is drained from its tank, foam is formed, which cleans this plumbing fixture well and gives it a pleasant freshness.

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