How to make a toilet freshener with your own hands

A toilet freshener is an indispensable thing in any home, without which it is impossible to do without when visiting the toilet. It is designed to eliminate indoor odors and plumbing contamination. Most housewives prefer to use a simple wall-hung toilet block for this purpose, which is attached to the rim of a sanitary fixture. This attribute, made of plastic in the form of a box with holes, is intended for reusable use. But the soap that is inserted into it and serves as a freshener tends to run out very quickly. Therefore, it’s a good idea to have at least one replaceable hygiene unit (soap) in stock for such a toiletry attribute.

And this should be taken care of in advance. It’s even better (and, by the way, easier and cheaper) to make it yourself from simple chemicals available in every home. This is washing powder (preferably not automatic, but for hand washing) and soap, baking soda, toothpaste and dishwashing detergent, glycerin, essential oils and vinegar. And making this toilet freshener couldn’t be easier.This homemade soap for a hanging deo block foams well and cleans plumbing fixtures much better than store-bought soap. In addition, it fills the toilet room with the aroma of the fragrant components present in its composition. There are a lot of recipes for making such a product. Here are two of them.

How to make a toilet freshener with your own hands:

Recipe 1.

Required components:

  • a tablespoon of liquid dishwashing detergent;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of toothpaste with a pronounced mint flavor;
  • 6 tbsp. spoons of washing powder.

In this case, you can use any liquid dish soap. It could be “Fairy” or “Drop”, “Myth” or “Biolan”. Any washing powder is also suitable. If you want to make the replacement blocks colored, add dye to the list of components.

To work you will need the following:

  • small bowl (glass or plastic);
  • regular tablespoon;
  • silicone spatula (optional);
  • disposable gloves;
  • plastic container with a lid or glass jar.

Preparation method:

Measure the required amount of laundry detergent into a bowl.

Squeeze the toothpaste directly onto it (this is a little more than half of a 77 gram tube) and use a silicone spatula (or spoon) to mix thoroughly.

Now, adding dishwashing detergent in small portions and thoroughly mixing the ingredients, bring the mixture to the consistency of a thick sticky mass. If the mixture seems runny, add a little more powder. And, conversely, if it becomes too thick, add a little liquid component.

While the mass has not hardened, wearing gloves, form bars or balls out of it, taking into account the size of the deo block in which you will place them. Then spread on paper and leave for 2-4 hours to harden.

That's all, actually. You can use it.

Recipe 2.

Required components:

  • 100 g of small soap remnants (or a single piece of soap);
  • 50 g of soda (this is about 2 tablespoons);
  • a tablespoon of vinegar;
  • a tablespoon of glycerin;
  • 15 drops of fir essential oil.

The choice of soap in this case has no restrictions; you can safely use both household and toilet soap with any scent. And it’s best to use small remnants, which often accumulate in almost every home. A variety of essential oils can also be used here (depending on preferences). Add coloring if desired.

To work, you will need the same tools as in the first recipe.

Preparation method:

Grind the soap into crumbs (the finer it is, the better). The most convenient way to do this is with a stationary blender (the one with a bowl), especially when using dry soap. A single piece of soap can be crumbled on a grater. Place the soap crumbs in a bowl, add baking soda to it, mix.

In one container, combine all the liquid ingredients (vinegar, essential oil and glycerin) and mix in small doses.

From the resulting mass, form soap into the shape you need (rectangular bars or balls) and leave to dry for several hours.

As soon as they harden, you can insert them into the deo block and use them.

For storage, place well-dried replacement blocks in a plastic container or glass jar, close the lid and put it as far as possible from the ubiquitous children and pets.


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Comments (1)
  1. Elena
    #1 Elena Guests 6 February 2021 19:04
    I did. I really liked it. The first one is easier, I'll do it