Useful and interesting. Page 9

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9 amazing ideas and tricks for every day

Even if you don’t have the tool or device you need for some task, you can often get by without it with an alternative homemade device. This collection contains ideas for making such devices, as well as various tips and

How to make a solar shower from PVC pipe

If there is no centralized supply of hot water to your yard or summer cottage, and using an electric boiler to heat water and take a shower is expensive, you can make a “solar” shower from a PVC pipe and enjoy a pleasant and useful

How to quickly germinate cuttings using a banana

Banana softness contains a natural growth stimulant that promotes plant rooting. With its help, you can increase the percentage of root germination of cuttings. Let's look at how to do this.

How to pay 30% less when heating your home with electricity

Energy companies provide electricity to the public at several tariff rates. If your home is heated using electricity, then by collecting the necessary documents, you can connect to a special reduced tariff. This will allow

A method from a Soviet magazine on how to make a frying pan non-stick

Old frying pans without a non-stick coating often cause things to stick. It is impossible to fry pancakes, scrambled eggs, cutlets and a variety of other dishes on them. However, with some simple processing, you can turn an ordinary frying pan into a non-stick one.

High-speed sharpening of a chainsaw chain using a drill

The following factors indicate that the saw chain teeth of a chainsaw have become dull: the feed force increases, very small chips are produced, the chain heats up quickly, the smell of burning oil for lubricating the guide bar is felt, etc. For

7 clever solutions for repairs in the workshop

Ingenious solutions to make certain tasks easier are constantly appearing. Sometimes they are so simple that it is unclear how no one thought of this before. This collection contains just such simple life hacks that you can master

12 quick tools and life hacks for any repair in the workshop

Every day we have to come up with clever ways to solve various problems, from fixing something broken to organizing a workplace. This collection includes worthwhile ideas that will help with this. Each life hack is very simple and

5 life hacks for repairing broken home equipment and more

Almost anything that is broken can be fixed. Moreover, often a repaired item will be no less reliable than a new one. Let's look at 5 life hacks, knowing which you will be able to repair your home equipment, as well as make other household items efficiently.

We weld the ends of profile pipes of different sizes

Profile pipes of different sections can be welded beautifully and neatly if you slightly trim the corners of the larger one. It's not difficult at all, you just need to make the right markings. Let's look at how to do this.

3 DIY ideas from old sweeping brushes

After the bristles on floor sweeping brushes wear out, they are left with a handle and a base that can be used for various DIY projects. We offer 3 options for using them to your advantage. Every idea has a right to life, and you might want it

How to adjust a window to accurately remove the draft

As the building shrinks, the window geometry may change. As a result, the sash no longer fits tightly to the frame as before, which results in a draft. All this can be corrected by adjustment. You can do this yourself in a matter of minutes.

How to make a thread-cutting nozzle for PP pipes. Do-it-yourself collapsible water supply

Polypropylene pipes require soldering, so their connections are permanent, unless, of course, metal threaded fittings are used. The latter are quite expensive, so in some cases you can do without them, and simply make carvings on

How to securely connect a plastic pipe to a garden hose without special fittings and clamps

When organizing watering on the site, sometimes you have to connect plastic pipes with a flexible garden hose. Usually, you have to buy fittings and clamps for this, but there is a simpler, reliable way that allows you to do without additional ones at all.

1 trick to make it easier to sharpen a knife to a razor using a whetstone

The ability to sharpen a knife on a stone is difficult, since it is important to maintain the same angle with each movement of the blade. In this regard, many designs of different sharpeners have been invented to facilitate this process. However, sharpen the knife to a razor

8 useful ideas and life hacks for different occasions

This collection includes 8 useful ideas that will help in everyday life. It includes tips and tricks for both working in the workshop and solving everyday problems. Surely at least a couple of them will definitely come in handy in the near future.

2 ways to remove a broken key from a door lock

If you open the door carelessly, you can accidentally break the key right in the lock. The situation is unpleasant, but if you have access to a tool, it can be solved on your own. Moreover, you can not only get a broken key, but also in the absence of a duplicate

The toilet tank does not fill with water, how to fix the problem

The reason why the toilet stopped filling with water is due to a clogged filler fitting.If you have rusty hard water in your plumbing, this will definitely happen over time. In this case, you need to disassemble the tank and rinse its contents. After

An elementary method for soldering aluminum with a gas torch

Regular solder does not stick to aluminum at all, making it extremely difficult to solder. However, there is a way that allows you to do this in literally half a minute. Moreover, this does not require soldering skills at all; absolutely anyone can do everything.

5 useful ideas for the workshop and tricks for life

When working in a workshop or around the house, you constantly have to deal with various small problems, to solve which you need to go to the store and buy various little things. To save our time, we come up with ways to do without

7 expert tricks to work faster

The same things can be done in different ways. Some methods are slow, others are much faster. This collection contains practical ideas that allow you to quickly solve various problems that you encounter in the workshop.

How to make a device for properly sharpening drills for metal from PET bottle caps

To sharpen metal drills correctly and quickly, you need a lot of experience and a steady hand. But by making a very simple conductor from two pieces of wood and caps from plastic bottles, you can simplify this difficult and responsible operation to this

After several years, did your washing machine start to jump and vibrate during the spin cycle? How to fix

A common situation is when a washing machine, after several years of normal operation, begins to vibrate more and more during the spin cycle. Over time, everything gets worse so much that she literally jumps, moving tens of centimeters from her place

How to solder aluminum without special flux and solder

Aluminum, due to the instantaneous formation of an oxide film on its surface upon contact with air, is practically impossible to solder. The solder just won't stick to it. It is assembled into a ball, and no matter how much you heat the part, it does not tin. We offer